What about today would most impress a person from 150 years ago?

Probably my abs
or The Titanic ...

size of my D.
Most impressing? Probably something that drastically helps a problem they personally had in the 1860s.
Have you ever tried to show an old person how to look something up on the internet? :icon_neut

They wouldn't give a fuck about wiki.

my father wrote a book shortly before he died. when he was researching it he found wikipedia. he went out of his way to tell me how awesome he thought it was. this was a very learned man. :icon_neut
my father wrote a book shortly before he died. when he was researching it he found wikipedia. he went out of his way to tell me how awesome he thought it was. this was a very learned man. :icon_neut

I applaud your father for his versatility, but rest assured he is not the standard.
Porn, what else!

Flight being a close 2nd.
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Well when people travel from third world countries, the technology isn't what baffles them. It's the culture that is most jarring. That's why the term "culture shock" exists and "technology shock" doesn't.

Technology is rarely incomprehensible, as you can always make comparisons. "A 'smartphone' you say? By golly...it's like a phonograph, telegram, camera and town map all rolled into one thing."

Compare that to: "A colored president, you say? A colored man is the president? A COLORED PRESIDENT!?!" *Faints*

ohhhh is that why "culture shock exists" an not "technology shock" doesnt:icon_neut"

I seriously doubt someone from 150 years ago is going to see a plane fly overhead or a hd movie play on a phone and be like fuck that did you see that married gay couple mind blown!
Books you can watch!

We call it television. And then I show them Game of Thrones and state this the latest addition to the bible.
International space station
ohhhh is that why "culture shock exists" an not "technology shock" doesnt:icon_neut"

I seriously doubt someone from 150 years ago is going to see a plane fly overhead or a hd movie play on a phone and be like fuck that did you see that married gay couple mind blown!

Married, black or interracial, and gay would blow some minds.
I applaud your father for his versatility, but rest assured he is not the standard.

he could barely use the internet. that's how awesome wiki is. anyway, the answer would, of course, vary greatly depending on the person.
I'm surprised Weapons of mass destruction aren't getting any love. Underrated shock value.

GWB was all over that shit.
ohhhh is that why "culture shock exists" an not "technology shock" doesnt:icon_neut"

I seriously doubt someone from 150 years ago is going to see a plane fly overhead or a hd movie play on a phone and be like fuck that did you see that married gay couple mind blown!

Leonardo da Vinci was sketching helicopters 500 years ago.

That's the thing with technology. It's conceivable LOOOOONG before it can be executed. Other than a few unforseeable things--the internet, mainly--they'll have some familiarity with almost everything we have, even if its just from Sci-fi novels.

Technology always has a clear explanation--time. Culture doesn't.