Media What’s everyone, eating, drinking, etc. for UFC Fight Night 181?

Dead Kennedy

Don't steal, the government hates competition
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
We know it, we love it, we do it all in fun, but that being said...

Well, well, well, it’s that time again fellow Sherdoggers and this on All Hallows’ eve of all days. So it’s rather fitting that they have the Spider fight on it.

So let’s all enjoy ourselves, have fun, and do this shit up right...

Eats: having a little party with my wife and kids, so pizza it is....

Drank: Captain and coke....

Etc: Sour diesel, through a microscope phone accessory I got my kids for school...

Cap the night off by watching one of the greatest to ever step in the cage potentially fight for the last time...

and steal my kids candy...
Not expecting too many trick or treaters here so I'll definitely be snacking on the candy I bought to hand out just in case.

Will be eating


And drinking


Got a couple of joints rolled and ready to go. War Silva!
In Amsterdam for vacation with my girl and my kid so I’ll be eating Frikandellen and fries.


I will be drinking Bottled water possibly Aqua Panna or something equally boujee.

War Silva!

Have you had some stroopwafels yet?
In Amsterdam for vacation with my girl and my kid so I’ll be eating Frikandellen and fries.


I will be drinking Bottled water possibly Aqua Panna or something equally boujee.

War Silva!
eat a stroopwaffle for me brah.
got one in the mail when i ordered some stuffs from the Netherlands. they are tits
eat a stroopwaffle for me brah.
got one in the mail when i ordered some stuffs from the Netherlands. they are tits

Ha! Well I'm Dutch, I know what tourists like the most. Haha! He should definitely get some freshly made ones, though. Those are on a completely different level!
Eating: Whatever's left in the pantry and I'll slather it with Tzatziki sauce

Drinking: I think my friend who moved out left like 2 half finished bottles of vermouth and 2 half finished bottles of curacao so fucking yuck but you gotta do what you gotta do
The thread we´ve aaaaaall been waiting for.

Lunch: at glorious McD. Double Cheese menu

Dinner: Pork tenderloins with mushroom sauce

Drank: Pear cider 7,0% and Carlsberg Sort Guld


Late night drank & snack: Candy foam bananas + Malibu & Cola


And WAR SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Hope he goes out with a bang tonight!


Catnip, cheese and a little salami as a snack.
Cats can have a little salami as a snack.
health issues have knocked me out of this discussion

pediasure and etc. for me.
the etc. is white runtz diamonds n sauce
also some skunk jelly
Hope you start to feel better my man. I’ll always be here on Fight Night, doing my thang, so there’s always a time to join in. Take care...

I have not but I absolutely will go get some while I’m here!!!! My girlfriend is from here so she’s been bringing me to get some at a place that makes them in front of you at the outdoor market.

Yes, yes, yes! Those are the best! Much better than store bought ones. Even better when stoned though! Perfect stoner food!