Were you an A Grade Student?

My sister was an honor role student with a 90%+ average and scholarships.

I was expelled and failed about 20 classes.

Mostly 50-60% but in grade 10 I was put in to a grade 11 english class, cant remember why. It was my only A in highschool (87%). The only difference was I couldnt act up because the bigger kids threatened me, so I just did some of the work and kept my mouth shut.
Yes. I've graduated with honors or cum laude in high school, college and both times in grad school.
Under achiever, whenever I actually tried I made all A's. For the most part I got B's and C's without even trying.
Bs and Cs in grade school, high school. barely b-c average in college, Straight A's in grad school.

school was wasted on a dumbass younger me.
I was always a B-C person which never really looked good bc my parents both retired from teaching for 36-37 years. I went to school more to socialize so never took any books home really so was lucky to get b-c’s.

More common sense than book sense for sure

Depends WHEN you went to school really doesn't it? grade inflation has gotten so extreme that in the UK anyway A's today are similar to B's or less 20 years ago when you look at further education demands.