Werdum had a point when he said Cain isn't really Mexican.


Green Belt
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
It's a common for us Americans to claim nationalities of parts of the world even though we're not physically from there. And it pretty much pisses everybody else in the world off. Many of us are guilty of this. Is Cain just butt hurt about somebody actually finally breaking this to him?

I was like this as well, full of Irish pride, until I actually went to Ireland and they quickly broke it to me,"you're not Irish".
I recall when the "Irish hand grenades" was outed for not being irish... he was sooo mad!!
Not this ignorant crap again.

Hey TS, were either of your parents born in Ireland? Still waiting for an answer on this.

You can be proud of and identify with certain things about the people and cultrure of a country, while disagreeing with the government of that country, or while choosing to escape the poor economy of that country.
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Too American for Mexico, too Mexican for America.

Nobody wants the poor lad.

Mexican lineage but he is an american.

I'm sure when he hands over a passport or fills out a document that requires a nationality -- it doesn't say / he doesn't put "Mexico / Mexican"
cain is american. his parents are mexican. it's fine to have affinities for certain cultures, but it's pretty dumb when you actually claim you're from a country you weren't born in and never lived in.
No one really wants to be Mexican though, that wasn't really an insult by Werdum.

Doesn't piss me off at all. Glad you're proud of you're heritage etc.
I hate this topic.
Cain is a Mexican. You know if you had to describe the guy that would be one of the first things you say.
Cain is Mexican-American.
Werdum was just saying that to get under his skin. Werdum even went on to say he's more Mexican that Cain which I ask, how?

People play into nationalism too much. Who the fuck cares. It's not like it really matters. People are also selective in their nationalism. You're going to chant USA for entire card but once someone like McGregor comes on, you're chanting that "Ole" bullshit. I know plenty of people who act as if they're Irish when in all actuality, they're not even 1%. Nationalism is just a tool to separate people from other people and it's quite pathetic.
Hey TS, were either of your parents born in Ireland?
Most white people in America have been here long enough that their like French/Italian/German/English/Welsh all mixed in one. Unless you're one of those ethnics who didn't have their last name changed like Jennifer Aniston and your name is Zack Galanfinakis, and you know what European nation you come from.

However, for people like Mexicans, their parents are FROM Mexico so they identify with that.

However, it's funny when he holds the Mexican flag to walk out. His American. He can't wrestle for Mexico. This land gave him everything. His American.
Since when does werdum decides where the fuck a fighter is from?

In My case I was born in the states, my dad was from England and my mom from Mexico and I fucking love every one of my heritages. in fact I can claim any of the 3 Or all of them at the same time if I want to.
i hope werdum doesn't read my post and stars giving me shit for being ame-xica-glish.