Weight in...


Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score

Check out this graphic vid and weigh in...guy posts on Craig's List to sell some sneaker, 17 year old kid gets in car to purchase sneakers. Pulls out gun, steals sneakers, jumps out of car. Driver pulls away, does a U turn, comes back, runs the robber over. Robber looses and arm, is in critical condition, driver is charged with attempted murder..what do ya say..Give the driver the key to the city, or charge him?
I can see going strictly by the law why they charged him.. I mean he should of called the cops right away and drove off. They'll look at it as unnecessary because at that point he wasn't in imminent danger and attacked the guy in retaliation.

But, I don't feel bad for the asshole that robbed the guy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Turn the drive lose, screw that scumbag for trying to rob someone at gunpoint he got what he deserved
Although the kid was way wrong, he was only 17 and people make mistakes. I believe people should get second chances and can change themselves over time. I don't think the driver should get charged either though as it was heat of the moment.
Maybe what the kid went through should be punishment enough.
I'm at about 260.
Tbh I don't have a ton of sympathy for people who go vigilante over a pair of shoes.
175 here.

Anyway, fuck that kid and his arm.
That's at least 3 police stars in Grand Theft Auto. I'm not surprised he got caught tbh