weight gainers?


White Belt
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
I am about to start a 5x5 program and I am planning on cleaning up my eating big time. However, my highschool serves the worst lunches so im limited to tuna and salads. In the morning i rarely have time to make a proper breakfast, although I am going to try and make 2-3 eggs a morning quickly. My question is are weight gainers worthwhile? And if so what brand do you recommend?
Cytogainer...Peanut butter....Milk.
I've had success with Twinlab mass fuel... tastes good lol, (they do a few versions, so be careful) but the smallest gainer of the ones they do (eg fewer calories per serving) contains a decent amount of carbs + protein and a low amount of sugar. I think it's just called Mass Fuel..

BTW, ifyou have tuna and salad at school, you probably couldn't get a lunch better for muscle building!? Tuna is GREAT protein wise.
I remember a thread awhile back (too lazy to do the search and post the link right now) that asked members to rate their top five supplements. One of the more experienced members rated weight gainers as number one. The reason is they generally do what they say. So, others have said that they are in fact worthwhile.

As far as a recommendation goes, don't ask me since I'm not really a hard gainer and if I need to gain I just do the milk, peanut butter, beef, chicken, etc. thing.
if you are still in high school, dude eat whatever you can get your hands on, seriously i could eat everything in sight and not gain a pound. good luck
ive taken true mass before it worked well, but its expensive and it i did lose some of the weight back when I stopped taking it.
yeah i just guess i dont want to gain anything but lean muscle you know. I am def a hard gainer and like my problem is i can eat anything and not really be affected by it so I figure eating clean and just getting lots of good food is what i need. And how expensive are most of these products like the 50-60 range or higher?
cytogainer + kre-alkalyn + hard work = 15 lbs in 2 months
yeah i just guess i dont want to gain anything but lean muscle you know. I am def a hard gainer and like my problem is i can eat anything and not really be affected by it so I figure eating clean and just getting lots of good food is what i need. And how expensive are most of these products like the 50-60 range or higher?

Read all the stuff about nutrition here, everyone has been a hardgainer for a while now :rolleyes:

As someone said earlier, EAT everything you see.

If you're really eating enough calories, it won't be a problem. I found the gainer useful because I am an ecto that also finds it hard to put on weight.

If you really are a hardgainer, it doesn't matter too much about eating clean (*waits for lynching) only because it is so easy to lose the weight if you do put some on. I say that because (although I realise it was bad now) when I was a true n00b I would eat about 5 full meals a day, plus a shake in the morning and at night, and a double whopper or equally crap lunchtime meal. I could never not see abs lol. :icon_neut If you're at school and doin sport etc you shouldn't have a problem with getting fat, you'll be active enough anyways.
It really depends on your ****bolism bro. If you gain fat fairly easy I would definitely go with Cytogainer as a weight gainer.

However, if you are like me and find it difficult to gain weight and you need to eat like an absolute monster to see any gains than I would recommend Muscle Juice. Many many many many people see excellent results with this product because of its VERY high calorie density.
so with about 8-9 weeks of solid lifting and conditioning any estimates on how much mass I can expect to put on?
so with about 8-9 weeks of solid lifting and conditioning any estimates on how much mass I can expect to put on?

a zillion pounds

If you don't shave and get the right supplement, you could look like this guy if you do it right

However, if you are like me and find it difficult to gain weight and you need to eat like an absolute monster to see any gains than I would recommend Muscle Juice. Many many many many people see excellent results with this product because of its VERY high calorie density.

How many cals / serving is muscle juice? Only asking because i know twinlab do that fuel 1000 or something, which is 1000 calories per serving. I don't see the point of the super high cal gainers with loads of sugar, but truth be told but taking something like that twice a day it would almost be impossible to not put on weight lol. (however much of it was ffat lol).
yeah i just guess i dont want to gain anything but lean muscle you know. I am def a hard gainer and like my problem is i can eat anything and not really be affected by it so I figure eating clean and just getting lots of good food is what i need. And how expensive are most of these products like the 50-60 range or higher?


You say you are a hard gainer then in your first post you say you don't eat breakfast.

1. Wake up earlier and eat breakfast
2. Eat the tuna/salad/potatoes/milk at lunch
3. Pack almonds to snack on during class or if you can a shake
4. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
5. Eat a meal as soon as you get home from school
6. Corned Beef Hash
haha ok thanks its not so much i dont eat breakfast its just not usually a healthy one ya know but i guess ill just man up and get up earlier so i can prepare something better
haha ok thanks its not so much i dont eat breakfast its just not usually a healthy one ya know but i guess ill just man up and get up earlier so i can prepare something better

Getting up like 10 minutes earlier means you can do the thing in teh other thread about doing scrambled eggs in the microwave... A lot less than 10 when you've got it DOWN.
8-9 weeks? Bro, gaining mass isn't a short burst type of thing, most people really like to look at it like a marathon. If you are untrained you tend to see "noob gains" as soon as you start lifting and eating well and you WILL notice a difference in your physique/strength from 2 months of lifting but it's best to focus on the long-term.

Although it really depends on your goals.
i understand that that seems like a short period i have been training now just without a consitent program for idk a few months at least but this 9 week period is from like the end of my spring break til i go on vacation so i just was curious as to what i could expect during then. over the summer i plan to work out the same as i do during this period, but for now thats the only way i can look at it