We could colonize the moon for just $10 billion — and make it happen by 2022


Steel Belt
Aug 22, 2010
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What if I told you there’s no reason we couldn’t set up a small base on the moon by 2022 without breaking the bank?

The endeavor would cost about $10 billion, which is cheaper than one U.S. aircraft carrier.

Some of the greatest scientists and professionals in the space business already have a plan. NASA’s Chris McKay, an astrobiologist, wrote about it in a special issue of the New Space journal, published just a few weeks ago.

Before we get into the details, let’s ask ourselves: Why the moon? Although scientists (and NASA) don’t find it all that exciting, the moon is a great starting point for further exploration. Furthermore, building a lunar base would provide us with the real-world experience that may prove invaluable for future projects on other planets like Mars, which NASA plans to reach by 2030. The main reason the moon is not a part of NASA’s plan is simply because of the agency’s crimped budget.

NASA’s leaders say they can afford only one or the other: the moon or Mars. If McKay and his colleagues are correct, though, the U.S. government might be able to pull off both trips. All it takes is a change of perspective and ingenuity.

“The big takeaway,” McKay says in a Popular Science issue written by Sarah Fecht, “is that new technologies, some of which have nothing to do with space — such as self-driving cars and waste-recycling toilets — are going to be incredibly useful in space, and are driving down the cost of a moon base to the point where it might be easy to do.”

The document outlines a series of innovations — already existing and in development — that work together toward the common goal of building the first permanent lunar base.


fucking absolutly we need to fund and do this. Who cares if its 10B over, we need to do this for better.
If NASA takes these arguments to heart, affordable lunar bases may be a step toward the first permanent lunar settlements. From then on, anything could happen. In time, the moon could be terraformed, and hundreds of years from now, an entirely new human society may evolve, unfettered by issues we face on Earth.

how the hell do we terraformedthe moon?
Watched some space docs the other day. Made it seem like moon dust would be a gigantic pain in the balls.
Then we would have to deal with moon people.
moon colony sounds risky, like total recall risky.

on the one hand, probably have some trump 2.0 fucker controlling all the air and making people pay $10,000 a day to keep the fans going while at the same time telling them he's the most generous fucker ever.

but on the other hand, we can get prostitutes with three breasts from illegal moon genetic mutation experiments. and probably ripskater taking a job as a cab driver b/c he's got five kids to feed.
I wanna know when I can mate with a female from outer space.
I want a hybrid offspring.
first we need to figure out how to get to the moon. trololol
Pfft. Moon. Small time.

Elon Musk is going to Mars mu'fuckaz.
Can't help but feel we may have caged ourselves in on this one.
I thought that there was a rule or international law that the moon cannot be colonised. Though it would be great to go back to the moon.
I'm calling BS. There are aircraft carriers that cost more than that. They say $10 billion now, and $50 billion later we'll almost be ready. Final payout? "Wow, there's a lot of dust up here."
the moon could be terraformed, and hundreds of years from now, an entirely new human society may evolve, unfettered by issues we face on Earth


Yes, I'm sure a moon colony would never face issues like:

Scarcity of resources
Negative human emotions like greed, jealously, and ego
Garbage and pollution
The people with all the money pulling the strings and doing what's best for themselves, not for society
Healthwise, we wouldn't do well there. And we couldn't come back to earth easily.

Plus the earth has much more natural beauty.
I'm calling BS. There are aircraft carriers that cost more than that. They say $10 billion now, and $50 billion later we'll almost be ready. Final payout? "Wow, there's a lot of dust up here."


You are all missing the point

Gravity on the moon is only 1/6th of earth, so can you imagine the possibilities for entertainment?



Possibilities are endless.
The moon is too close to earth , Mars makes much more sense, more gravity and has water and is far enough away that if some cataclysmic event hit earth it likely wouldn't effect it .
The Nazis won't just roll over and let us colonize the moon. They'll resist and that $10B will balloon to $1T + American GIs. Are we even equipped for lunar combat? And for what, CHEESE? GTFO