Was this the most newsworthy week in mma history?


Steel Belt
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
I can't remember a single week where there were so many huge headlines, stories, injuries, replacements, re-replacements and drama in all the time i've been watching mma. I mean there the ufc 200 nonense with jones, but i feel like this takes the cake. This week must have been an mma journalists wet dream with so many newsworthy happenings this week. it's like a sensory overload... but it seems to finally be over.

Dana white said this card is trending to be the biggest card since Mcgregor vs Alverez.... is that just because of the all the crazy things that happened this week? because the card never seemed like it was THAT good.

Will the drama bring in more buys, or will the cancellations lead to potential buyers jumping ship?

Also; prediction on ppv buys?
UFC 100 was huge for the month preceding the event.
before April 1st, 1.2 Milly, now 400k
1.2 is way high. this card was NEVER going to break a million imo.

I think that it would do better numbers if max was headlining than Tony. Tbh.

Way i see it, it went from 600k to 850k to 300k.
Staged events...newsworthy. Did you just start watching MMA this week?
when Henderson got injured against Jones was pretty close.

That was one of the craziest days in mma.
I think when they look at these kind of trends they look more at google searches and social media trends. It was a very talked about event, but i'm not sure it will be a very watched event. just my 2 cents
