News Was this boxer sparring his girlfriend too hard or was she just being overdramatic?

Thing is ..he’s a fucking PRO. I suck at boxing but I can take a shot , but I was SHOCKED st how hard a pro boxer hit me at probably 60%. And that was to my body , arms and shoulders . Just his placement and timing fucked me up even though h was holding back . I’d hate to imagine full force . He was holding back snd she was being dramatic , but I bet she felt that shit .
Billy joe needs to stop talking and hitting women and man up and get KO'd by Gennady.
LOL @ literally everyone in this thread saying no problem, while the coach (or bystander) who knows them both and was watching closely tells the pro boxer that he's going too hard.


Probably more for PR (and peaceful atmosphere) reasons than actual safety concern

No one wants a shrieking mess going off in the same room as them
Nope, thats bordering on flow sparring intensity. Overall its still playful

The BJJ I do in the bedroom is rougher than that. I specialize in mounted triangles and grape vine back mount
not like he was forcing her to stay in there
Half of sherdog hits their wives/gfs harder on a routine basis, hell wven limp wristed trump smacks his ho around weekly with more vigor
My muay thai gym has a few couples that train together, and the ghym does not allow this , doesn't even allow the girl partner to hold pads for male partner.

Sounds racist.
I don't see the point in "sparring" with someone who has no interest in learning how to fight... man or woman.

I don't think he was hitting her all that hard, but I don't see the point in fucking around like that. I've sparred with women who actually boxed competitively and would get mad if you take it easy on them.

But this woman of his sure as shit isn't training for or ever going to fight in the Golden Gloves, I'm sure of that.
Thats not his bird, its the boxing reporter michelle joy phelps. Billy joe is a bit of a dick sometimes though, probably hitting her harder than he should have
Just stupid and immature. She's going to resent him forever.
Thats not his bird, its the boxing reporter michelle joy phelps. Billy joe is a bit of a dick sometimes though, probably hitting her harder than he should have

yeah but I wouldnt doubt it if Billy Joe or one of Tyson Furys crew tapped that.

He just got busted and suspended for posting a video claiming a joke as usual saying its okay to hit your woman.

He seems to do vulgar and cruel things but uses the its a prank or joke to get away with it, like when he told that poor sap to strip naked and filmed it pretending to be an undercover cop, and claimed later sorry guys it was wrong it was just a joke.

Here is another one of him filming and messing with a crack woman
Billy Joe Saunders offers prostitute crack for sex & to attack innocent bystander
What he thought would be a joke video has backfired badly.
yeah and the guy is strange, he does all this vuglar and cruel stuff and then claims to be a Christian man. I notice this a lot.
Sounds more like she was annoyed and probably getting frustated, similar reaction you would get in lets say a tickle fight if she is not in the mood and you keep poking her ribs while she cant do nothing to stop you.
Frustrated with WHAT??? He threw no more than 10 punches at her throughout the entire video!

To top it off, she ends her dumb ass video with a smile, asking you to subscribe, then proceeds to throw a weak ass cross.

Why is this even a thread!?
Thing is ..he’s a fucking PRO. I suck at boxing but I can take a shot , but I was SHOCKED st how hard a pro boxer hit me at probably 60%. And that was to my body , arms and shoulders . Just his placement and timing fucked me up even though h was holding back . I’d hate to imagine full force . He was holding back snd she was being dramatic , but I bet she felt that shit .
She only "felt" anything because she was goofing around up there! Her mind and body weren't prepared for receiving ANY degree of impact, therefore, even a tickle would've caused her scream hysterically.
He could barely have gone any softer. No issue with the ‘sparring’ at all. Fun and games.

BJS is a absolute cock though. Genuinely an odious little classless scumbag.
Frustrated with WHAT??? He threw no more than 10 punches at her throughout the entire video!

To top it off, she ends her dumb ass video with a smile, asking you to subscribe, then proceeds to throw a weak ass cross.

Why is this even a thread!?

Im with you in that there was nothing wrong there, but she was probably frustrated because she wasnt the one punching him, like playing wth a 5 year old and not letting him do whatever he wants.

half in to the video she also left the ring and then returned smiling, if she was really pissed or felt a threat she would not have gone back in to the ring.
She’s still in the ring and all smiles. Dudes just purposely messing with her and being annoying. It’s all fun and games.

She was just scared. I've seen nerf guns that do more damage than he was dishing out

I also don't blame her for getting pissy, it's a lot of nervous stress that she wasn't used to dealing with, females often are not acclimated to that 'culture' growing up unlike males

No fault on either side, imo

Sounds more like she was annoyed and probably getting frustated, similar reaction you would get in lets say a tickle fight if she is not in the mood and you keep poking her ribs while she cant do nothing to stop you.

I agree with all these posts. Her reaction looked very similar to when I force BJJ on my wife.

He pressured her too much early on and ruined her mood. I've let my wife and my sisters box with me for fun before and I could hit them as hard as he was hitting her AFTER letting them beat me up a little to make them comfortable.

Im with you in that there was nothing wrong there, but she was probably frustrated because she wasnt the one punching him, like playing wth a 5 year old and not letting him do whatever he wants.

It's very overwhelming to feel like you can't do anything to someone and people who don't have some kind of combat experience don't generally respond well to it. I still remember my first time sparring someone who was significantly out of my league in boxing. It was horrible. I felt like I was drowning. I couldn't land a punch on him and everything I did resulted in me getting popped in the nose.