Was the Rock vs Mankind I Quit match the one that took it too far in the attitude era?

Ain't nothin like a good ping sound from a chair shot to the head
There was more than 1.
I enjoy wrestling, but I still get a kick out of adults talking about these guys getting hurt. hate to break it to you, wrestling is fake! the chairs are rigged. nobody got hurt
Foley did all that crazy shit to protect the business and then he goes and does the dick spot with Joey Ryan.

I don't think he had any choice
If Joey's wants to flip ya, he's gonna flip ya

Mick isn't a technical master like Bret Hart but he had good ring psychology and work rate. In hindsight he would have bedn just as good if he hadn't risked his body and brain so much.

He may have been capable, but I don't think he amounts to much without the crash test dummy element which pretty much crafted his persona. Without that appeal, he's probably just some middle of the road journeyman.
Is it just me, or does The Rock have a history of giving disgusting chair shots, but not talking them?
i will get flamed, but meh..

without this match i dont think the average wwe fan could tell u another time where rock gave out chair shots like this one match. it really pushes the average high if u think about it.. id say stone cold gave out a ton more (although his ratio of taken to given out is probably lower than rock's.. ie, he has given out more, but has taken his fair share, as well). but hey, thats all between the wrestlers. if they didnt wanna take the chair shots, they didnt HAVE to.

wonder how many sherdoggers have taken a chair shot here.... my sister's husband is a semi known ammy pro (oxymore lol) wrestler on the indy circuit. the first two shots suck. BIG TIME. BIG TIME. the third one and the following kinda start to not feel at all, but i stopped at 3 (and they werent in a row, but throughout the match). i will never ever do it again. i think its entirely too stupid to do. taking them to the back is actually pretty okay imo. ur shoulder blades/wings area take most of the hit and its not so bad. i think its the best out of the chair shots. even the top of the chair to the gut sucks despite being blocked by the hand. also, landing on a chair sucks. its tough to get a good landing on it. especially an open chair. EFF that!!! foreal, landing on that open chair the wrong way is horrendous.
JBL and Eddie was probably as bad or close. WWE finally quit doing that after the Benoit tragedy. Edge vs Foley at Mania, while great, was pretty pointless in hindsight. Edge was already established as a top heel, and Foley was to the point where those violent marches were going to be a lot harder to recover from and shorten his career, and he was already semi-retired.
Just watched the match and counted the chair shots to the head.


Mick was wearing his leather Mankind facemask, but it did very little to cushion the blows. He was bleeding from his forehead profusely, and the last chair shot he took was to the back of his head - possibly the most damaging blow of the entire match.

I wonder how Mick and Rock got along in the back immediately after that match.
Is it just me, or does The Rock have a history of giving disgusting chair shots, but not talking them?

Rock took plenty, however, he was involved in matches where his opponent was aware when he was delivering those shots. I assume you're thinking of the Shamrock shot(outside of this match). Yeah, that was Shammy's call. He didn't want to take it on the top of the head because he was aware of concussions, and demanded Rock hit him in the face, or he wouldn't sell it.

God damn....

Watching this immediately after the match shows the real-life consequences are so much more horrific than the matches themselves.

Remember when documentaries were actually documentaries rather than fake reality shows or propaganda?
I assume you're thinking of the Shamrock shot(outside of this match). Yeah, that was Shammy's call. He didn't want to take it on the top of the head because he was aware of concussions, and demanded Rock hit him in the face, or he wouldn't sell it.

That is still the single hardest chair shot to the head in the history of the business.

Rock winded up like he was swinging a baseball bat.
That is still the single hardest chair shot to the head in the history of the business.

Rock winded up like he was swinging a baseball bat.
This was right after the JBL Blue Meanie incident. Notice how Richards hits him with the top part of the chair that has no give.

This was right after the JBL Blue Meanie incident. Notice how Richards hits him with the top part of the chair that has no give.

So THATS why JBL beat the shit out of Blue Meanie at ECW One Night Stand.

Always wondered.