Was reading a 5x5 tutorial the other day

Appears to be well done. However it doesn't mention previously trained etc. I have found previously trained people benefit the most from HIIT.

Its saying they lost more fat. HOWEVER, sprinting is also going to build muscle at a much faster rate than LSD, which will add more muscle, to burn cals in a resting state.So in essemce I would be hoping for that outcome. However in the world we are applying it to neither LSD or HIIT is our sole source of exercise, in the study it was however.
Its just my take on that. In time more studies will be done on this way of training. Its ever evolving
Here is Lyle McDonalds take on it. Looks to be much like mine.

I just read your review of EPOC. Probably 16 years ago I read a study done at Laval U. It compared fat loss from steady exercise vs short bouts of intense exercise all done on a stat bike. Like the article, there was little difference in calorie burn between the two groups. But the intense group had significantly greater fat loss than the steady group. The researchers has no real answer as to why that happened. I wondered back then if it could be explained by the intense exercise stimulating growth hormone (GH). GH has a steroid-like effect on the body, accelerating fat loss among other effects.

A: I doubt it. GH is pretty irrelevant as an anabolic, studies have clearly shown that even injecting GH does nothing to improve strength or muscle gains. So the small GH pulse from interval training is unlikely to explain the results of that original interval study.

Rather, alterations in fat oxidation enzymes, muscle glycogen depletion, and the fact that, in untrained individuals, high intensity interval work can probably stimulate increases in muscle mass are more likely to explain the studies results

Fat is oxidative, which means oxygen (aerobic) burns it. HIIT produces EPEOC (excessive post exercise oxygen consumption) which means your body will burn more fat with oxygen for longer, but Post Workout.


LSD in the left, Sprinter on the right.

I know which I'd rather be.

sprinting + AAS ftw.