True story. I read it in some almanac.
At one convent the nuns asked their abbot why women were not allowed to absolve/receive confessions. He gave them a test, if they passed it, he'd allow it.
He gave them a box and told them not to open it for one day.
The whole day the nuns wondered what was in there. Their curiosity was eating them alive.
After some time they did open it, and from the box flew out a little sparrow. Apparently, they couldn't put it back.
At the end of the day the abbot asked for the box. When the nuns gave him the opened box, he responded: "Women are not allowed to absolve confessions, because they cannot keep secrets."
P.s. Catelyn Tully was a dumb, angry, vindictive, and unresonable person.
Ned did right by not telling her. He saved himself some years of living.