Warhammer 40K SpaceHulk DeathWing in development

Ill pick it up for console, I actually think its a decent fit for that.

I have it on PC but some games I prefer on my Xbox
Ill pick it up for console, I actually think its a decent fit for that.

I have it on PC but some games I prefer on my Xbox
Let's hook up man. I will be playing on the Xbone as well. Shoot me a friend request - StabbyMcHatchet on Xbox One.
We will purge the xenos!
Pre-ordered my copy today!!!


So the developers of this bailed on the Xbox version. Since I bought a PS4, this was the first game I picked up and I have to say, it’s a must for any Warhammer 40k fan.

It’s hard, and frustrating to get through the campaign, but where the game shines is after the campaign when you unlock the extra missions.

You level up acquire a currency that allows you to purchase upgrades for your armour and weapons and the missions are randomized.

I’m having a LOT of fun with it playing solo.

This mission here, both of my AI squadmates were killed and I spent the last five minutes of the mission sweating bullets with flashing red “near death” indications as I waited to the CAT to finish its scans.

Very clutch. What you don’t see here are the waves of xenos scum I was gunning down leading into the last minute before my psygate spawned in and I had teh chance to replenish my health and team.

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