Volkan To Daniel Cormier '' Luke Is Training With Me Now !''

This has become like a tiff between scorned lovers now...with luke in the middle
Luke just tried to downplay that sh*t in the latest UFC embedded episode.

Volkan may just be trying to goad DC into trading with him. lol

Get Cormier pissed enough that he's like

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This picture seriously makes me laugh every time.


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Luke, Volkan is your father now. {<jordan}{<jordan}{<jordan}
Luke is a traitor.
So, if Khabib ragdolls Luke at practice imagine what DC does to him....

No advice can really prepare you to wrestle against a full-sized refrigerator, and Luke is not replicating it either
Damn DC got cheated on again lol guy can’t catch a break.
Thought about this exact thing when Luke was training under Hooft for his last fight.

Lucky has never seamed like a honerable guy. Could easily see him trying to be big man at his new training digs and offer to help Volkan. Helping him train and tell DC's tactics to be liked.

DC was asked about this on a podcast not long ago. He said Luke would never betray him as Luke is like a little brother to him.

Hope that is true. Not so sure if DC even believes it.
The shooped one is even better. With the count holding a blurred out D and blood and blurred out crotch on Luke. Someone did a great MS paint as well. Funny pic even untouched.


This is a fight that middle schoolers have. D.C. is above this petty bullshit.
I have no doubt that Rockhold is giving tips on how to beat DC. Yoel needs to go train at AKA.