Crime "violent extremism"

Show me all the antifa deaths of the last 30 year and then show me the right wing deaths of the last 30 year.

I’ll wait.

antifa created 30 yrs ago?

You're an incredibly ignorant Southerner if you think the forming of the Confederate States and the Civil war were that simple and singular in issue.

I'm taking it you haven't even read their letters of secession have you? It was absolutely that simple. The was economic separation between northern states moving towards manufacturing and southern states who relied on a slave driven economy. It's explicitly stated by almost every state that the issue is over slavery.

So yeah you're right, kind of. It wasn't about slavery. It was about state rights and their right to own human beings as property.

My States declaration starts like this for fucks sake.

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.

I don't know how much more clear they could have been in their reasoning.

Nevermind the fact that the south started the war by attacking a United States outpost.
Its always

"what about BLM and Antifa."

"Were not extremists, they are"

The right loves and defends their extremists well. Remember there are good people that support racist rallies.<Lmaoo>

Cruz is playing stupid and it's not a good look. People in this thread shouldn't play dumb right alongside him.

I highly doubt that the FBI says "If you see this symbol, it's a violent extremis." More likely they say "This isn't a commonly used symbol, if you see if in conjunction with other signs, you should look closer." We have groups in the US who have chosen to cloak their violent intentions in the traditional symbols of the U.S., falsely believing that they somehow represent the true nature of the U.S. They are fringe groups of people.

While this forum has a hardon for BLM, it's not a violent extremist group. There were political protests, a small percentage of which turned into riots. That's not an extremist group. It's pretty close to a mainstream position at this point. You can walk into churches and find BLM symbolism. Sports teams have supported the message. People seem to no longer understand what "extremism" is or they continue to struggle with the idea that BLM isn't some fringe political idea, like the nutjobs who are hoping for a civil war.

The obsession with making a false equivalency between BLM and groups who have specifically organized themselves for a future violent intent will never cease to amaze me.
While I'll concede the FBI isn't arresting people just for having a flag or hat, I still fail to see the evidence of vast right-wing networks that are fomenting violence. I'm sure there are a handful of nut jobs in some remote location that actually are the racist, neo-nazis you seem to see everywhere, but they have NOT incited any riots, looted any Targets, or lobbed Molotov cocktails at any Federal Buildings. I'll anticipate the retort of Jan 6 and declare another false narrative. Yes the protestors absolutely should not have breeched the confines of the Capitol, but of all the "mostly peaceful" protests in the last few years that one seems to be the only one that deserves the moniker, due paradoxically to the lack of violence.
But lets put all of that aside. The most disturbing thing about this is that it potentially paints huge numbers of people unjustly with the brush of extremism. You are quick to defend the BLM supporters as being innocent of the acts of a very few, but condemn all conservatives / Republicans / non-democrats for the crime? of using actual symbols of from our own country, in the Gadsden and Betty Ross. I can concede the Confederate flag as a symbol may be problematic.
It seems that the groups being targeted, if not specifically by the language of this initiative, then effectively (and intentionally) are those that don't support the progressive view. You have pundits saying that if you voted for Trump you are a racist, a misogynist, a traitor, and equal to those that support Bin Laden after 9/11. 74,000,000 American Citizens voted for Trump.
I see Gadsens and American flags everywhere, I own several myself. The people that have them are usually middle class, hard-working, and couldn't possibly be less inclined to riot. They own nice homes, have college graduate children, pay a considerable amount in taxes, a lot have grand children, and many of them served in the military. These are the people the left, MSM, and now you are telling me is the problem. I'm one of them and I know we aren't planning or doing any extremist shit other than not voting democrat.

once COINTELPRO comes thru and destroys your legal militia’s and they all fracture and become gangs…

what will those gangs then be named?

Ain’t none of this new.

y’all really can’t see it tho huh?

You're an incredibly ignorant Southerner if you think the forming of the Confederate States and the Civil war were that simple and singular in issue.

Might want to read each states secession letter if you don't think it was that simple...every single one of them says it's about slavery if you want me to save you some time