[Video] Eddie grabbing the fence, clawing Poirier's ear, and illegal elbow

justice was served in the end, fuck edward and [<dunn] for encouraging edward to call poirier a quitter

neverless these 2 will probably meet up once again judging by how their 1st ended.
By the way, there was a low blow by Poirier, when Eddie was already half dead
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Sad to see him resort to these "vet" moves, when he has the skill.
Dirty bastard was finger fucking his ear hole! Wow! What a prick! Ref even saw it.. That should have been a point right there.!

No excuses this time.

That looks terrible for eddie
Sad to see him resort to these "vet" moves, when he has the skill.
Absolutely agree.
It was kind of desperation and I always liked Eddie.
He's taken a hell of a lot of damage toolot of miles on the clock for Eddie..

And Barbara looks great in you Avi...10/10
I think the elbow on its own, you could argue didn’t need a stand up. But when it comes after two previous warnings, one (the fence grab) in particular that you Could argue saved him from getting finished, I think the stand up over the elbow was fair.
The stand up makes a lot more sense now. I didn’t remember he got a warning from the finger in he ear, so that’s three warnings seconds away from each other. Eddie came off looking very bad from this fight