Video: Dana White on Frankie:"Why you mad? You are the one who turned down the fight."

Dana is right on this one. Frankie was offered the fight so injured or not he can't really bitch about anything.
Uhh because Dana was aware that Frankie was unable to fight and was kept in the loop of his surgery, then used him to further the star power of another fighter on the roster at the expense of besmirching Frankies character. Frankie, an employee who played balled with the UFC for years and was their champion.
Dana needs to get through his thick biased head that you can't offer fights to someone incapable to fight. Frankie can't turn down a fight because there is no possible fight for him when he is injured.

The more I see Dana's logic the more I lose respect for him.
I mean, had Dana led with the fact that Edgar turned the fight down because he had groin surgery a few weeks ago, something tells me that Edgar wouldn't have been so pissed off. Of course, Dana would rather shift the narrative in McGregor's favour, and that probably makes sense for a promoter with more or less a stranglehold on all the elite talent in the sport to do in the long run, but it's fairly understandable why Frankie would take issue with it.
Interesting that Dana says frankie sent him the mri and told him he was injured during the phone call.

Frankie made it sound like he told them he was injured and sent the mri 4 weeks ago and dana called him knowing full well he was already hurt
Notice how all the fighters who have Conor in their heads end up injured just before the potential fight.
I just feel bad for any hats that might be in the vicinity after Frankie sees this
Why would he offer the fight to a fighter he knows is hurt?
Promoter promoted his star fighter with lie of omission - I'm really shocked.

Like Dana ever gave a fuck. Let Frankie be mad, it just hypes his next fight more.
Dana can be such a dick.
While he is technically right, how about showing 1/100 the compassion you showed RR after her loss?
Frankie has been nothing, but a great employee and is obviously hurt!
Uhh because Dana was aware that Frankie was unable to fight and was kept in the loop of his surgery, then used him to further the star power of another fighter on the roster at the expense of besmirching Frankies character. Frankie, an employee who played balled with the UFC for years and was their champion.

Perfect description. It also gives Dana ammo for anybody who says he should of fought Frankie. Seeing as how Frankie is a bad match up for Conor.
Why would he offer the fight to a fighter he knows is hurt?
cuz its dana white lol this is ufc buisness as usual throw the company man under the bus cuz well he likes it down there hes a company man after all. its like the ufc doesnt realize the internet exist and no one knows about all the misinfo and blatant lies that are told on an alarmingly frequent basis.
I'd fight an injured Frankie.
Be a fair scrap.....
It appears that Frankie is pissed because of the way that Dana presented it. Dana said Frankie refused the fight or whatever. But in no way did Dana mention that Frankie was hurt and just couldn't fight. It was presented more like Frankie was scared and not that Frankie was hurt and would most likely be a bad idea for him to fight hurt. Same with Aldo, being 1 or 2 weeks from just being cleared for contact. Dana doesn't want to accept any responsibility on his side. If anything you'd think he would learn, but it's just the way he is.
Interesting that Dana says frankie sent him the mri and told him he was injured during the phone call.

Frankie made it sound like he told them he was injured and sent the mri 4 weeks ago and dana called him knowing full well he was already hurt

You really think the UFC wasn't aware that one of their top 20 fighters was injured and going to have surgery? Really>?
"You couldn't take the fight... you were offered the fight and you turned it down"

Dana himself established that Frankie couldn't take the fight. He understands. Even then, he wants to insist on the bullshit he spewed earlier.

Cause you know, being always right even when you're objectively wrong is just what Dana White is best at.