Very interesting EAA study.


Purple Belt
Mar 20, 2008
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J Appl Physiol 104: 1452-1461, 2008. First published March 6, 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00021.2008
8750-7587/08 $8.00
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Skeletal muscle protein anabolic response to resistance exercise and essential amino acids is delayed with aging
Micah J. Drummond,1 Hans C. Dreyer,1,2 Bart Pennings,4 Christopher S. Fry,1 Shaheen Dhanani,3,4 Edgar L. Dillon,3,4 Melinda Sheffield-Moore,3,4 Elena Volpi,3,4 and Blake B. Rasmussen1,2,4

1Division of Rehabilitation Sciences, 2Departments of Physical Therapy and 3Internal Medicine, and 4Sealy Center on Aging, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas

Submitted 10 January 2008 ; accepted in final form 5 March 2008

Skeletal muscle loss during aging leads to an increased risk of falls, fractures, and eventually loss of independence. Resistance exercise is a useful intervention to prevent sarcopenia; however, the muscle protein synthesis (MPS) response to resistance exercise is less in elderly compared with young subjects. On the other hand, essential amino acids (EAA) increase MPS equally in both young and old subjects when sufficient EAA is ingested. We hypothesized that EAA ingestion following a bout of resistance exercise would stimulate anabolic signaling and MPS similarly between young and old men. Each subject ingested 20 g of EAA 1 h following leg resistance exercise. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and 1, 3, and 6 h after exercise to measure the rate of MPS and signaling pathways that regulate translation initiation. MPS increased early in young (1
Thats pretty interesting. I miss studying the Map/erk pathways.
Thanks for the study.

The elderly also benefit from having most of their daily protein intake in a single sitting! Go figure.
In the IF world it does.

Would you be interested in starting a thread on IF? I Googled it after you told me what it stands for and I learned a bit, but I'd be curious to hear about your real world application, who it can benefit the most and how someone with a rigorous strength training schedule could utilize the principles (or if they should).
There is a performancemenu issue on it. Let me find the link.
Thanks. I just ordered the Intermittent Fasting Collection. I'll read it on the plane tomorrow morning.
Its a good read. Or at least I think it is:)
There's no question it's interesting stuff. I posted a link on it a while back:

Paleo Diet + IF = Great Blood Lipids

I have to admit I'm not completely on the IF bandwagon yet, and I think it's more complex that simply not eating for a certain length of time. Many intelligent people describe enhanced insulin sensitivity from fasting, yet on the same hand, the diabetic epidemic stems from large single meals of massive glycemic index and load being eaten. Well, that's one factor of many, but it's the flip side argument.

Eades is a big opponent of eating IF, and even did a short self-experiment with it. While I respect his view highly, there's others, like Robb Wolf, who swear by it.

I think it's worth trying, and find out what works best for the individual. I do a bit of a bastardized IF, and try and partition the majority of my carb intake PWO. But prior, I'm still taking in cals in the form of fat and pro. A straight fast drives me insane.

Edit: There's a bunch of links on the 4th page of that thread for more reading.
Edit, take 2: I did an awesome job of hijacking an EAA thread. Woo.
IF can be done well. I have my own theories to it, and it gets complicated, but ut has worked well with clients and myself.