Using Rubber Guard/Bravo stuff in a non-10th planet gym that isn't supportive?

You have been grappling for over 5 years...we are at the same point in development. But I realize that what I want to focus on is not always the best use of my time. My coach makes me drill basics like digging for the underhook when I'd rather be working my xpass...coaches need to help guide you longer than you realize is what i'm saying. You have a narrow view on the other end of the spectrum in my opinion.

Neither is necessairly wrong, just different vantage points is all.

what I meant as narrow view of the world was not to disrespect you, just that you are taking in consideration your experience as a norm, and what Im saying is that not all of us are blessed with the same quality of instruction as you guys are in the states or brazil... thus the necessity of making your own way after a certain time, never the less, I do agree on the guidance thing, but may be a little rigid than your opinion, more likely, hey coach, what do you think about this, Ive been having problems with this stuff and that stuff...

I firmly believe that training method > jedi master instructor. May be if you want to be a world class elite player you will need to have a jedi master as a teacher, but to be and get good, I believe is more important how you train than who you train under.
One of my best buddies (black belt) trained with Eddie at Legends a few times. He said it was completely different than he would have expected.

He was expecting a bunch of rubber guard, lockdown, and other things like that. Instead he said during the couple times he was there, Eddie just focused on basic pressure passing from the top. Really solid stuff, not flashy at all.

He said rolling with the guys, they basically just did regular stuff too. He said maybe a little bit here and there with the rubber guard, but really not that much. Overall it was very basics oriented and just solid guys. They did not really rely on the "10P System" in the way it seems to be popularly understood. He liked it more than most gyms.

He said he talked with Eddie after and he was real cool. He said Eddie also made fun of most of the 10P fanboys who don't really train with him saying he just shows that flashy stuff at seminars to keep them interested because otherwise they wouldn't want to do it.

This has been exactly my experience at 10th planet schools and even with some privates under Eddie's black belts. Most of them have a realistic grip on rubber guard's limitations and when it is applicable.

Likewise with Eddie's seminars. They are usually some twist on the 10th Planet stuff that relies on a high level proficiency of RG. When I went to a multi-day training camp, I got more out of his student led classes because of this trend.
of course, but this applies to all levels...

If you see my original comment, where I explicit said that IF YOU DONT HAVE A WORLD CLASS instructor, then the best way is, once you reach certain level, to do your own thing... this will not apply if for example, if ryan hall was the head instructor... although, supplementing your regular class with extra additional drilling classes will always be good, and at those classes, its you and your partner doing what ever you want to do, which is normally the part of your games that you are improving at the moment, and most likely will be trying that stuff while rolling, so then again, you will be getting the best results from the drills you are doing on your own, not the ones in class. mmmmmm :rolleyes::rolleyes::icon_cry2

Workout partners are 100X more important than the level of the coach at the highest level. Its not even in the same galaxy. I would take 3 elite level workout partners over Marcello and a bunch of purples. Luckily, Marcello also has a ton of BAMF's.