Using only Dumbbells

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At 15, it is wise to keep your ears open and your mouth shut. I'll be 30 this year and I'm still getting milage out of this technique.


I win! 1 - 0.
I'm not sure how machines entered this discussion. Maybe to further cloud the issue?

I gave you the first constructive response of this thread, you can find it on page 1. Do what you will with that advice. It sounds like you are convinced that exclusively using unilateral movements is the way to go, so I'm not sure why you started a thread asking for advice.
whats with you guys and completely stupid examples?

hands encrusted in broken glass won't make you stronger while using dumbbells rather than a machine will.

Barut compare yourself to other guys who train at a gym. I'm 15 and am just started lifting I have two dumbbells at home and a pull-up bar. the closest thing I do to a bench press is push-ups. This comparison isn't quite fair is it?

want to compare strength? lets do it with something I do work on.

what is the toughest gripper you've ever closed? toughest nail ever bent? toughest Horseshoe ever bent?
How do you know I didn't mean milage. As in, the act of, or ability to mil?

You're such a fuckin humanitarian sometimes.

Does this mean that I've been served?
whats with you guys and completely stupid examples?

hands encrusted in broken glass won't make you stronger while using dumbbells rather than a machine will.

Barut compare yourself to other guys who train at a gym. I'm 15 and am just started lifting I have two dumbbells at home and a pull-up bar. the closest thing I do to a bench press is push-ups. This comparison isn't quite fair is it?

want to compare strength? lets do it with something I do work on.

what is the toughest gripper you've ever closed? toughest nail ever bent? toughest Horseshoe ever bent?

I can close all grippers, bend all nails and horseshoes, and crush the hands of my enemies.
As for stupid examples, it's a talent.

You said that making a lift harder made one stronger. Squats are harder to do with all of your toes cut off. Will that make you stronger?
*closes thread before Johnathan can post his long-winded, garbled response*
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