US Tourism down 4% since Trump took office costing us billions


Aug 11, 2017
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So since Trump took office tourism to the United States has fallen 4% which equals about 2.7 billion in lost revenue. The % could grow to 8% as a direct result of Trump's confusing immigration bans and new TSA rules which allow agents to search cell phone and laptops.

“We are going to be left behind” without changes, said Patricia Rojas-Ungár, vice president for government affairs at the U.S. Travel Association, to USA Today. “This pie continues to grow. Our slice is getting smaller if we don’t go after it.”

Some are calling it the Trump Slump

“These numbers are an undeniable wake-up call, and correcting this troubling trend needs to become a national priority,” said Dow, in a statement. “The travel industry will turn over every stone looking for all available policy options to better promote the U.S. as an international destination, and we stand ready to partner with the federal government to grow travel, and American jobs and exports along with it.”

I even used a source from Fox News so the conservatives can't say but but but.
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You guys should be happy. Tourist so often shit everywhere and on the place.
*Checks market*, we’ll be fine...
Amazing how you can go from celebrating a $200 bonus for Home Depot employees due to the Trump tax plan to simply brushing off a $2.7B hit to an entire industry because of the administration perceived hostile attitudes towards foreigners.
This is interesting. Lots of people talked smakc about this. Looks liek some actually are doing it.

Not me- I like visiting!
Some of those "tourists" don't check out....and ends up costing US more...
I knew this would happen! Everyone told me if I move to America, I'd be murdered.
But the billions illegals cost is fine ...
To be fair, to a senile retard like Trump tourist does sound a lot like terrorist. Kill them all!
This is interesting. Lots of people talked smakc about this. Looks liek some actually are doing it.

Not me- I like visiting!

I like to visit to. I want to see NYC and california.
Are there fewer dirty foreigners walking around our beautiful country?
Silver lining, maybe the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train won’t have a 2.5 hour line next time I take my kids to Disney World
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Because they called their brokers and bought American stocks instead.
Good, thats less money the government gets to squander away. Why are you upset
Don´t worry. The loss will easily be countered by the millions of coal jobs coming back.
Its ok all those tourists were from zhithole countries.