ObsceneJester said:
..what? I'm so confused on this.. Is there way you can dumb this down some more?
ok, here's what I might do on a monday:
military press (my main press): 5 reps @ 95, 3 reps @ 115, 1 reps @ 125, 1 @ 135, 1 @ 145, and attempt @ 150 (that I have yet to make). then since 145 was the last successful attempt, I go down to 90% and might do say, three sets of two and four singles @ 130. Then I do the same type of thing for squats (well I would except I hurt my back a couple weeks back and I'm rehabing it. Then I'll do maybe SLDL for 4x6, a ladder of pullups as high as I can go, and then maybe incline press for 3 or 4 sets of 8. Does that all make sense?
So do you put 50lb sandbags on each shoulders or 1? Also how far do you walk? 100 ft within 20 mins? Farmers walk 100 ft in 20 mins? How long and far do you go for each one of those listed above?
no, sandbag shouldering is where you have a sandbag on the ground in front of you, you pick it up and put it on your shoulder in an explosive single movement, and then drop it back down again and repeat. Switch shoudlers every rep.
my farmers walk is 1000ft in 20 minutes. 10 walks, 100 ft each.
Would burpees.. push up, pull ups work as GPP days?
Clearly you have not poked around my site. there is a program there that generates my GPP days. I should stop replying here, because if you've read them, you haven't comprehended the stickies... but I'll go on.
So would wrist curls (the one with the string stick and weight at the bottom and you roll it up)and plate holds would that be acceptable 3-4 times a week?
no I would put bending on one day, block weight tosses on another, gripper training on another day and kettlebell swing and catches on another. Maybe mix in some thickbar deads or 3" db snatches somewhere too.
Now, carnal is going to come in here and say something like "URBAN YOU SKINNY
! GET BACK TO GETTING STRONGER YOU JIBBERING GLASS BACKED PENIS WRINKLE!" or something of that nature. And to be fair, he's right. this is NOT an ideal routine for most people. In fact, I'm tempted to close the thread. that you don't know what some of these things are or how to do them shows how green you are in the iron game. In all honesty, I'm not even ready for this routine but I'm experimenting on myself and so far all it's done is gotten me a mild back injury.
So, here's what I reccomend for you: get stronger before you get more complicated. Mine is quite possibly the most complex routine I've seen posted on here in a while and I would not reccomend it to... well anyone really. It should also be said that I have specific goals: I want to be a firefighter. As such, I have specific needs in my training. My sledgehammer drills directly correlate to certain breaches, and my sandbag lifts and slede drags. This is all with a purpose and I don't want you copying me or my routine and hurting yourself on it.
As somebody new to lifting I thought that the unique shit, the rare and complicated shit was the key to big gains. I now know that simplicity is the route to go. and honestly that's how I started out with this and I just built on it and my abilities for a long time. My heavy lifting days are simple, my strongman days are simple, my GPP days are simple and random, and my DE and complex training days will cause injury for anyone not ready for them. this is a tremendous amount of work to heap on somebody new to training and if you're not a year or two into the game you can easily take a big step back with something like this. and I'd like to reiterate, this routine is SPECIFIC TO
MY goals
Do this, lift simply three days a week, do interval training on two off days call it done.