Nota: Informamos que o Wand sofreu um acidente, onde foi atropelado por um carro quando estava retornando de bicicleta para sua casa após um treino, com isso acabou lesionando o ombro e passa por cirurgia no dia de hoje. Pedimos suas orações para o nosso campeão. ASCOM
Quick translation
Note: We inform that Wand suffered an accident, getting hit by a car while getting back home on his bicycle after training, injuring his shoulder and is now on surgery. We ask for your prayers for our champion.
Quick translation
Note: We inform that Wand suffered an accident, getting hit by a car while getting back home on his bicycle after training, injuring his shoulder and is now on surgery. We ask for your prayers for our champion.
All I'm extreme 100%, all telling me q bike was dangerous, and I believe q the right to come and go, it was the same for all cars, pedestrians and bikes, more felt on the skin q is not so, suffered a serious accident, where I will have q operate my shoulder and my left knee, a guy q saw said "vc born again" and the guy that hit me did not stop to help me !!! I am very sad because it could have died because my helmet came to break, if not, do not know q could have happened, then I thought, how many cyclists are killed every day and no one speaks, how many are bowled over as I went and no one does anything! This happened in Ctba, "model city" have q greatly improve the condition given to cyclists because the bike is a vehicle like any other, deserves the same rights! I am very sad about the q happened! More will fight for q in cyclists can have the same right to everyone! of thank you for all the support I have received from you guys, no words to thank such partnership, these times we see who is really you! I had really serious injuries and do not know what will happen q, more trust in God and know q everything has a why! So I will do my best and be the q God willing! If no helmet could have died! It made me rethink my life and made me grow a lot! So live well because in a little over! God bless you and goes bike helmet use, because we never know when we will need
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