UPDATED Wanderlei Silva on surgery right now after getting hit by a car


Green Belt
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Nota: Informamos que o Wand sofreu um acidente, onde foi atropelado por um carro quando estava retornando de bicicleta para sua casa após um treino, com isso acabou lesionando o ombro e passa por cirurgia no dia de hoje. Pedimos suas orações para o nosso campeão. ASCOM

Quick translation

Note: We inform that Wand suffered an accident, getting hit by a car while getting back home on his bicycle after training, injuring his shoulder and is now on surgery. We ask for your prayers for our champion.


All I'm extreme 100%, all telling me q bike was dangerous, and I believe q the right to come and go, it was the same for all cars, pedestrians and bikes, more felt on the skin q is not so, suffered a serious accident, where I will have q operate my shoulder and my left knee, a guy q saw said "vc born again" and the guy that hit me did not stop to help me !!! I am very sad because it could have died because my helmet came to break, if not, do not know q could have happened, then I thought, how many cyclists are killed every day and no one speaks, how many are bowled over as I went and no one does anything! This happened in Ctba, "model city" have q greatly improve the condition given to cyclists because the bike is a vehicle like any other, deserves the same rights! I am very sad about the q happened! More will fight for q in cyclists can have the same right to everyone! of ❤️ thank you for all the support I have received from you guys, no words to thank such partnership, these times we see who is really you! I had really serious injuries and do not know what will happen q, more trust in God and know q everything has a why! So I will do my best and be the q God willing! If no helmet could have died! It made me rethink my life and made me grow a lot! So live well because in a little over! God bless you and goes bike helmet use, because we never know when we will need
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Wtf is happening with mma fighters and bad drivers
Damn. Hope he has a speedy recovery.

Prayers for W. Silva. Pulling for him and his family. Stay strong champ. Hope they caught the sob who did this.
UFC really fucked silvas image up and the zuffa zombies ate it.
In other news, Jon Jones is on vacation in Brazil.
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Get better Wand! I miss your crazy youtube rants and hope you have another fight and hang em up
Hang in there Wandy

Hope they caught the sob who did this.

Why do you assume someone ploughed into him, or hit and run etc..

Could just be he was on his bike, turned in front of a car and got knocked off.
Hope for nothing but the best. Great fighter hope he heals up quick
It seems like its not too serious. Thank god. But its still majorly fucked up. Big nog was ran over by a truck in Brazil and lived!!! Became world champion afterwards even.

The Bellator guy got it the worse. Had to amputate his leg and ended up still dying. He was creamed. Wand still has his arms attached to himself.
oh man... thread title had me right in the feels. Good thing that statement makes it seems less serious.

hoping its not something that fucks up him up forever.

2 fighters hit by cars in a week span. what is going on? :(
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Never was a fan of his but it sucks to have this happen to anyone. Here's to a speedy recovery for The Axe Murderer