UFC Urges the US Congress to Incentivize Proactive Piracy Blocking

What kind of an incentive are we talking about here? I looked over the article but they never actually stated what it would be. What could congress/UFC possibly give Facebook and other social media giants that would entice them to proactively block pirates.
I guess since they are advocating to make it a law, the incentive would be to not go to jail?


Just kidding, i know this would probably result in just a fine, but i guess thats it.... not losing money then
So are we supposed to steal the stuff that UFC makes, or are we supposed to simply not buy it?

I get it: Stealing/streaming is the more direct way of saying you want the product, but you're not paying for it. As opposed to simply not streaming. The latter wouldn't make a statement.

HBO learned of the popularity of Game of Thrones via streaming. Then ordered more episodes. Then got more subscriptions. It's not a zero-sum game. There's a happier medium in there somewhere. People who love watching say they'd pay a fair price if it was all available in one place. Let's say $20 / month or prepay $200 for a year. Does that seem reasonable to you?
Hell, I'm so bored with UFC I don't even bother trying to stream cards anymore. Half the time I don't even check the PBP the next day.
The price is ridiculous.

I dont even stream anymore. I'll watch the shit the next day, if I'm not working my Saturday nights are more interesting than these bullshit cards
You're an idiot if you don’t realize you just contradicted yourself in a single sentence

As if fighter pay would actually go up if people stopped streaming. GTFO with that idealistic horseshit.

The only thing that would happen is more money in Dana and Marky Mark's pocket... and you know that.

Every other major sport runs on approximately a 50/50 profit share, UFC keeps the lion share of about 90/10.

And they fuck over their own fans with their outdated PPV scheme, and still manage to have the audacity to bitch that people won't spend $70 plus a monthly subscription fee just to watch watered down 1/2 WMMA PPVs.

The UFC brought this upon themselves with their own GREED.
, good for them but imagine all the cash they lose from the rest of the world who can't get ESPN
One thing though.... i cant speak as to if they would or how much of a loss/gain that would be, but from that comment, you seem to be neglecting they have deals with TV stations all over the world.

We have no idea how much they are getting for these. Maybe selling rights to TV stations is worth region blocking outside the USA.

Maybe they prefer the guaranteed money that comes from that.... Its hard to make such a huge change from night to day. That income might be part of their yearly capital that they already count on... I dont know, just speculating here.
I was told this by a Guy I know... "All of this CRAP about "streaming", and going after "streamers" doesn't matter!
I safely download the Fights, the day after or late that day, without "streaming"!
I watch it when I want, keep it if I want, at what ever resolution I want, and all of that is virtually untraceable!! So do your research guys, and you will be ok!!"

Now you know why he's my friend!!
Good luck with that dana.
You will never beat the internet!
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When you run ads on the internet, you see how many impressions, how many clicks, where the ads were placed, what country the viewer is in, along with a variety of other details information. You're not in the dark at all. I've ran ads online off and on since 1995. I was never at a loss for information.

But, you're correct. They don't care. The UFC should be targeting those companies exposing their role in piracy over the last 15 years or so. It's companies that sell products and services that can't be pirated that generate profits for pirating sites.

It depends. Sometimes when you sign up as an affiliate, your hoplink just identifies your account. Everything is automated so that miniscule commission goes straight to your account

I'm sure they could identify the source most of the time but I doubt they even bother checking unless there's a reason
The rule of thumb is that if you make it easier to buy your product legally than it is to pirate, most people will buy it legally ... and the ones the pirate would have never bought your product in the first place.

Why would they be surprised after they created an unnecessary paywall between the customer and the actual fights in ESPN+? The shit didn't even fucking work the first time right? Get bent, Dana.
You'll get in more trouble talking about it on this forum then you will watching. They can only go after the source, not the end user/watcher.
HBO learned of the popularity of Game of Thrones via streaming. Then ordered more episodes. Then got more subscriptions. It's not a zero-sum game. There's a happier medium in there somewhere. People who love watching say they'd pay a fair price if it was all available in one place. Let's say $20 / month or prepay $200 for a year. Does that seem reasonable to you?
THIS is the conversation that needs to happen.

What is a FAIR price for the product?

$1200/year ($69.99 per HD PPV plus streaming service fees)

Nope. That is a "go fuck yourself I'll just steal your shit" price.

$20-30/mo sounds fair to me. $29.99 for ESPN+ and Fightpass and PPVs ... I would buy that today without hesitation.

I watched the prices go up, 39.99..49.99, 54.99, 59.99, now $69.99 plus $10/month.

When they were $40 I got EVERY PPV. Even the "weak" one with no title fight and a short notice main event.
$49.99 I still got most of em.
$59.99 I got big fights.
$69.99 eat a dick, I'll go to the bar or watch on my boy Justin'sTV..(wink wink)

If Nike started charging $700 for their new sneakers I would not blame ANYONE who stole their shoes. I would LAUGH at any fool who paid for them though. That is basically the territory UFC is in here. They charge 3-5x what their product is worth, then cry when people stream and lobby congress.
Fuck em.
People have been very well trained to pretend that "intellectual property" is real property, and not even notice they are pretending.

Looking at your car is not stealing your car. Taking a picture of your car and showing it to others is not stealing your car. Making a car of my own that is just like your car (pretending I had the equipment and the know how) is not stealing (although some people would have you pretend it is).

The car is real property. If I take the car, and now you no longer have the car because I now have the car, that's stealing. Because that car, that property, actually exists in the real world.

The rest is "intellectual property" which is nothing but a thought experiment. It doesn't exist anywhere but in our minds.
The argument you make is a know, really good argument. However, the conclusion you arrive is generalizing the issue and i cant agree with.

Intelectual property is a real thing.

Its what prevents justin bieber to listen to me playing and singing a song on a youtube video in my bedroom and re-recording that and claiming it was his own original composition.

Thats one reason why patents exist as well.

Copyright laws, etc...
HBO learned of the popularity of Game of Thrones via streaming. Then ordered more episodes. Then got more subscriptions. It's not a zero-sum game. There's a happier medium in there somewhere. People who love watching say they'd pay a fair price if it was all available in one place. Let's say $20 / month or prepay $200 for a year. Does that seem reasonable to you?

What's a fair price? There's always gonna be free streams (in a free world). So we negotiate the price by streaming illegally, pushing the boundaries of the law. That's fair. And then you get punished for doing so. That's the game.
I really don't care about the ethical dilemma of a "crime" that's more benign than jaywalking. Fact is that streaming is easier and more convenient along with being free. If I'm not splitting a ppv with buddies I am going to stream it or just watch the fights I'm interested in the next day. Dana can suck a dick.

That's not how it works.

You're probably the kind of guy who bitched and cried about Napster.

The current REALITY of things is that people can share stuff over the internet... That ain't stopping.

Even if laws were strict here, VPN's exist bro.

One will always be able to stream from other countries...etc.

Uh, that’s literally how it works. Fighters get paid more with more PPV buys, since you admit to stealing the events, you are not supporting the fighters. So please get off the high horse as if you actually give a shit about them.
Er, no

The vast majority don't make PPV points, they're paid a flat amount, with a possible win bonus depending on their contract. Whether the PPV sells 2 million buys or 200 buys, those fighters don't see an extra penny.

Errr, yes, when you stream you are taking money from their pockets so you have no right to bitch about the ufc being scum to them when you don’t even support a product with your money. Leech.