UFC should hire Steve Willis

Summary for people who don't want to watch: Video is 2:28, most of it is some guy narrating over a static picture, only in the final 45 seconds are there any clips proving that this ref is "hilarious," and even then there are only two clips used, both containing about 3 seconds of footage total where it can be said he's doing anything funny.

Shit video/10
Thats literately me if I was a UFC referee..
Having a ref who's an attention whore and massive fanboy is a terrible idea. Being impartial and unemotional are key qualifies of a referee.
We have Herb Dean....

Dosn't the AC provide the ref most of the times?
IIRC its only when UFC goes abroad or to places with no AS they hire the refs.
I thought this was a thread about the Jerry Springer security guard. It isn't. Thread sucks.