Media UFC fighter is name dropped in one of the most popular TV shows for their physique

His physique really isn't all that, TBH
I remember seeing videos and people asking how to get "a chest like Conor McGregor" when in reality his chest would not be desirable to a bodybuilder.

I also saw that a Bellator fighter way back once had an appearance on whatever Kelly Ripa's show became post-Regis and I believe they had Juan Archeleta. She/they went on about his abs at the time which weren't even anything to talk about. I think people are just easily impressed because it's a semi-famous person while an unknown guy at the gym could look way better but wouldn't get the attention.
Goat of what exactly?...cocaine and sexual assaults?
Eh GOAT of fame and money in MMA.

Pretty hard to dispute he isn’t the richest mma fighter and most popular.

He has like 30 businesses, promotes like 50 products, has countless documentaries and starred in a movie.

When he tweets about how big his poops are, at least 1 million immediately like and repost.
Eh GOAT of fame and money in MMA.

Pretty hard to dispute he isn’t the richest mma fighter and most popular.

He has like 30 businesses, promotes like 50 products, has countless documentaries and starred in a movie.

When he tweets about how big his poops are, at least 1 million immediately like and repost.
Just remember there are some retards on here that think Conor should be cut, no shit he’s still the most popular fighter he is a pop culture icon at this point and transcends the sport by a mile
I remember seeing videos and people asking how to get "a chest like Conor McGregor" when in reality his chest would not be desirable to a bodybuilder.

I also saw that a Bellator fighter way back once had an appearance on whatever Kelly Ripa's show became post-Regis and I believe they had Juan Archeleta. She/they went on about his abs at the time which weren't even anything to talk about. I think people are just easily impressed because it's a semi-famous person while an unknown guy at the gym could look way better but wouldn't get the attention.
That's because the unknown guy is workin it instead of trying to get attention like a teenage girl sir.
Dorky show? It’s been one of the top shows for the last 3 years. Its the most watched crime comedy drama in Hulu’s history.

You should watch it, season 1 was amazing but each season has been slightly less good.
Well it is kinda dorky? But in a fun way.
Never thought there would be more seasons but money was just too good I guess.
Great show to watch with the missus!
That's because the unknown guy is workin it instead of trying to get attention like a teenage girl sir.
You have a weird spin on things, why is trying to build a business empire and make hundreds of millions make someone a teenage girl?

What teenage girl exactly has the fame and notoriety of Conor?