UFC 219 recap (new podcast)


Founding member of the Beer City Fight Club
Jan 5, 2016
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Hey guys. I decided I'm.starting my own MMA podcast this year because why not? I think this is a more efficient way for me to just dump all my thoughts on you guys without typing so much.

Check out my episode "UFC 219 Recap" on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/beercitybandit/episodes/1387d44

As always, feedback is appreciated. I'd love to hear what topics I should be covering or things i could change.
I hope you dig it. If not at least it's mercifully short. So yeah. Enjoy.
Thanks. This already sounds better than the SRN shows of late. Plus, I'm digging your delightfully almost monotone voice.

Let's see if you can get more episodes than @Macalpinerules
P.S. - Way too short. And too much sniffles. Up the per show content and I guarantee Conor and Jones will be regular listeners.
P.S. - Way too short. And too much sniffles. Up the per show content and I guarantee Conor and Jones will be regular listeners.
Lol. I was trying to keep it short and sweet. Also I've got a cold. Glad you liked it though!