UFC 202 Media Conference Call with Nate and Conor,LIVE NOW.

lol Conor triggered hard when the reporter talked about his quick tap
lol Conor triggered hard when the reporter talked about his quick tap

I don't understand, are you a McGregor fan or not?

Did you use that username just to fuck with people? Haaa
Can they at least set up a Skype video conference instead of these old school phone conferences that they did before the Internet era?
Nervous laugh by Conor when Nate confirmed he was 200 lbs {<diaz}
But I thought "McTapper quit".

Your hero just said he didnt when a lot of fighters would have.

Hater dorks.
Conor fans are now mentioning that as proof Nate walks around at 200 lbs... lol

The disconnect that has to occur in someone's brain in order for them to misunderstand that exchange that badly is staggering.
Maybe he's been tested repeatedly cause Conor's test levels maybe suspicious
Is that it or pure randomness? @dimspace
they test him the most because novitzky gets a hard-on thinking about nailing the big names, ever since getting lance he goes after the big names because its the best for his ego and career
"I'm confident with Nate on the mat."


Not so sure that's a good thing...