Uchi Mata - The throw of the Kings.

Most difficult throw in judo. I hope I can learn it one day. Supposedly it takes no effort if done correctly. I feel retarded when I try it though lol

Not even close, but it still took me a long time to get it. Every instructor I ever had taught it differently, and they were all accomplished, so I didn't know which was "right".

As far as over rotating when throwing goes, it really IS about the rules. In BJJ I don't care how hard my opponent lands, or whether or not their back touches, etc. As soon as their feet leave the mat, I'm thinking about transitioning. In Judo, as soon as their feet leave the mat, I'm thinking about keeping them from turning out or otherwise avoiding the throw, so my drive continues until the conclusion of the throw. It takes some adjustment, but it's not terribly difficult.
The problem is with people training throws to win competitions. Over-committing to Uchi Mata is more likely to get the score but likely to get you rolled. Uchi Mata is one of my favorite throws and I never end up on the bottom or roll over with it because I learned it to be useful in BJJ and a real fight primarily, not to score in a Judo tournament - you have to commit to the throw but not over-commit. The problem is with the lax criteria for ippon, it used to be that the throw had to be very controlled (tori ending standing over uke or on top on the ground) to score ippon but for some reason this has been relaxed and so we see these silly rolling through ippons. If you watch old Judo videos you almost never see judoka rolling through or ending on the bottom following a throw.

exactly over committing always get you ippon.

I love judo, but I severely dislike any throws that blatantly open up your back like the Uchi Mata. So many of the winners in the highlight landed with their backs taken.

read above


to the people who say it exposes your back etc. A judoka who is trying to throw you, will do it fast.. its kinda impossible to grab the back while they're trying to throw unless it was really slow...

beside if you're going to over commit, ya both will both in up on your sides and who ever is witty quick will get side control, tldr; after throwing get side control fast.
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if you cling onto tori's back chances are his going to land on top of you, good luck.
Sean from the BJJ Kumite said Matt Maldonado was a dick to him so I said, "maybe you just weren't his type?". Somehow that constitutes an "offensive rape joke". Hardly worthy of a yellow card. :rolleyes:

damn! that shouldnt be dubbed thats funny as fuck :D
Most difficult throw in judo. I hope I can learn it one day. Supposedly it takes no effort if done correctly. I feel retarded when I try it though lol

uchi mata was the 5th throw i picked up after tomoe nage, sumi gaeshi, ippon/morote seoi, and sasae. I can not for the life of my hit a tai otoshi, even in nage-komi. I don't think I ever will :( sad sad judoka.
What non-standard gripping are you talking about? Same-side grips?
Pretty much any non-standard grip, basically the more you lock yourself into your opponent the more likely you are to roll over when you throw them.

One of the things standard sleeve and lapel has going for it is that it's easier to throw and remain standing than Chidaoba style over the back, round the back of the head, round the back or other non-standard grips.

Sleeve and lapel is obviously not perfect, but in an argument and rolling over after the throw it's undeniable that it gives an advantage in giving the thrower the control to stay on their feet.