Tyson: Why wasn't he as successful as an amateur?

Tyson was not juiced up. Holyfield however was. You can see it on his fucking neck and shoulders.
his head got bigger too, i'm not sure if it was just the weight gain or the roids, some people carry weight gain in their faces so i don't know. Wouldn't doubt anyone doing roid s except maybe someone like Muhammad Ali who was very abstinent towards drugs.
This is so true. I don't care how many PEDs or black belts u throw on a 15 year old, the below average adult with no sport experience can one shot kill him... in the most literal sense. we're talking about a child.
really depends on the 15 year old and the adult. most adults really aren't very physical at all. Most or many fighters do come from violent backgrounds where a male figure beats their ass, father, stepfather or whoever. Bobby cyzz had a crazy father, I think Tommy Morrison, and many many others. My best friend once told me that when he knew John Jackson's sister that she told him their dad would beat the shit out of him. I replied that's common for fighters and told him that Ali was beaten by his dad and even stabbed at one point. They say ali's dad tried to still take him on when he was a young champion which is stupid as hell. Anyway, point is, depends on the person on each side. A fifteen year old who's a great boxer even a little one should be more than capable against the average adult male, more than capable.
Tyson was not juiced up. Holyfield however was. You can see it on his fucking neck and shoulders.
This. If anyone was on the sauce it was Holyfield who was a naturally smaller man trying to bulk up to fight at HW. Tyson was a natural HW, small but a true HW and he didn't look juiced up like Holyfield did as a HW.
This kind of thread is as boring as it used to be