Opinion Twitch Streamer Destiny Debating Vegan Gains, Lauren Southern, Sargon of Akkad, etc.

I'm not saying the guys aren't still the top streamers, just that # of hours watched isn't quite the best metric to determine that.

Even still, most of those guys have years of networking and professional gaming experience that they brought with them.

Boobie streaming really only became a thing much more recently.

Shroud, Ninja, Cohh, etc all have had big followings before Twitch was even a thing and they've been on Twitch for years longer than most boobie streamers so they're obviously going to have more subs, more views, more hours watched, because they've been doing it for years longer.
A lot of the biggest guys either started streaming with Fortnite or they weren't well known before then. Tfue, Myth, etc. Nick Eh 30 went from 50k subs to almost 4 million subs when Fortnite blew up. And some of the older guys like Summit have lost a lot of their audience when different games like Fortnite blew up, so I don't think it's really about that. I think what it is is that most guys are on there for gameplay and not softcore stroke material.
The top Twitch streamers are ALL MEN

It shocked me too, but their viewership dwarfs the boobstreamers by several orders of magnitude. There isn't one woman in the top 10 (maybe even top 20, I didnt check). Youtube at least has a woman in the top 10 (Lilly Singh).
Damn... I remember when summit1g was at the top of this list. Just nabbed a kill on him in game too!