TUF 19 Edgar VS Penn Episode 5 Discussion


Titanium Belt
Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
10pm est on FS1.

Team Penn's Josh Clark vs. Team Edgar's Corey Anderson.
If you put too much salt in the food it's going to taste too salty.

Deep words from Penn.
Don't hate bro! Go transvesties!
Big Nog would not be impressed if this was his team...
"I know to get out, but you've got to explain to me how to get out."

"Shut up, I don't know."

I rarely literally lol, but that was funny.
I bet the wrestler wins
Next episode looks interesting

Nice to see Mazzagatti catch shit
I think Zapata gets screwed over...Also very excited to see bad MMA judging get sorta exposed next week.
What does it look like is gonna happen next episode? What is the fight?
I met Corey Anderson 3 weeks ago as he came to the local fights (where he fought before TUF) nice guy i'm rooting for him. Wasn't overly impressed with his performance, but he's only been doing MMA for about 2 years now, so he has time to improve.

This, besides the first episode to get into the house is the only episode i've watched this season because I wanted to see how he did. The promo for next week sold me though, i'll give it a few for the referee chaos and because i'm pretty sure that was the guy who beat the not very good Bellator champ and they didn't show us much of that fight so I want to see him in action.
Fight wasn't great. Anderson can literally only wrestle, as Team Penn said. He's got a long way to go and I could see, for example, Spohn, being athletic enough to stuff the takedowns and eat him up standing. Clark was just too slow, stiff and sluggish to do anything in that fight.

As for next week, I'm gonna guess Zapata lands a few illegal blows, gets a few points deducted, and Stephens can't continue so it ends via DQ.
I cringe every time Dana says something during the fights.

And is it just me or is this forum almost totally dead this season? A couple of seasons ago there'd be at least 100+ posts per episode.
So, which Halloween outfit won Slut of the Night?
Its interesting watching how wrestling is so important as a foundation... Fighting was always so much more about standup but in the end, in reality, if someone knows how to take you to the ground. If you dont have great TDD and you get someone good youre scr*wed..
And am I the only one a bit grossed out how guys completely dripping with sweat straight out of practice or fight sit back on the couch where other guys who are dressed also sit.
Damn, nobody is watching this shit i guess.

At least next week looks interesting.