TUF 16 Finale: Jonathan Brookins vs. Dustin Poirier PBP (Discussion)

Brookins throws Melo like punches.
Brookins really needs to tuck his chin.
That exchange looked nice but I need to see a replay to see if anything landed. Brookins was throwing open hands. Crazy fight so far.
Defend yourself at all times, Brookins... you might get caught
Impressed with Brookins!
That was one of the longest winging stints ever.
Brookins would get countered hard by a better striker
Did Dana threaten waterboarding to anyone who goes to decision tonight?

So much intensity.
Goldberg and Rogan callin' Brookins a big ole nerd or what?
It's funny that the white guy is darker than the black guy.....wait what?
Brookins has a good chin but he's gonna get caught one day...

edit:Told you