Truth is stanger than fiction


Blue Belt
Apr 1, 2002
Reaction score
I had a weird thing happen to me last night. I was walking through a carpark and there is this guy with his dog (nice little Staffie) The dog starts following me as I cruise past. The guy calls his dog back with a whistle and says "come here Rickson". I just stopped in my tracks and was like "dude, did you just call your dog Rickson?" He said yeah. I then asked him if he ever heard of Rickson Gracie. He said "Fuck yeah man that's who I named my dog after". We got to talking and he was a huge UFC fan and we exchanged numbers and we are meeting up for a vid swap night.

Strange things happen sometimes, it's not everyday you run into a MMA fan here in Aus. I was stoked.

Thats my story for the day.
That shit is rare out here indeed. Especially in a fucking hole like Canberra :D

- The Jake
I had that happen to me once... I was talking about mma with my buddy in this computer lab in college... and this other dude was like "have you guys ever heard of pride" i almost shit my pants. Well we swaped movies all the time!
Originally posted by osiris
there is this guy with his dog (nice little Staffie)

We got to talking and he was a huge UFC fan and we exchanged numbers

FTYD, wow, clearly has nothing better to do than make gay pictures in photoshop... and shanghai shirley, no one cares what your name is STFU.

But yea, back to the topic, MMA gets more popular every second. Soon you'll be hearing more and more people talking about it, whether you are at school or work.
Luke who? I never photoshopped a single pic, bitch.

That's a bit harsh FTYD. How bout you kiss my ass.
Haha dont you just love the way these threads evolve :D
I like to provide my opinion in an unorthodox fashion.
i met a guy at work the other day in a gracie jiu jitsu shirt, and he gave me the # to a good muay thai school that i didnt know was around....

but i didnt ask for a HIS number for a "vid swap night"
is vid an STD? ;)

haha im fuckin with ya... the bandwagon is so easy to jump onto...

damn, i bet i missed out on all sorts of free tapes by not asking
I am. I thought you were our resident poo-puncher:eek:

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