Trump's "Tools of Persuasion" - How Donald Trump is subconsciously programming The American People

Thought this is very interesting.


According to Scott Adams, a renown NLP expert, hypnotist and author, he is saying that Trump is using the tools of persuasion to perfection. Calling Trump a genius, saying that people he knows in the neuron-linguistic programming field are amazed at how skilled Donald Trump is at it.

He says Donald Trump is the greatest persuader he has ever seen and points out specific examples.

Trump is using NLP (neuron-linguistic programming) throughout everything he says (especially during his speeches and tweets). For example, even little things, like when Trump says "believe me", after everything he says, is all part of it. If you listen at his rallies, he says "believe me", whenever he makes a statement that leaves it up to you to decide whether or not hes right. Throughout each rally, he says "believe me" at least 15-20 times. Its explained that this is a way of making the entire crowd subconsciously want to believe him and trust him, and it is like they are hypnotized. The same thing with "winning". He always WINS.

It also explains why his supporters are so loyal, no matter what he says or does.

Last year, when Trump first began running (when everyone thought he was a joke), Scott Adams predicted Trump to win the nomination and ultimately win the general election by landslide numbers.

So far, he has been right.

He explains it with examples here, it begins at 0:54


Other examples:
The Melania speech was an amazing execution of subconscious programming.

The excerpt from Melania's speech that resembled Michelle Obama's speech was done on purpose. It was not a mistake.

A few sentences of the first paragraph of a 17 minute speech happens to have similarities to Michelle Obama's speech. Over 50 media outlets have already posted the entire speech or part of the video to point this out.

This is classic Trump free media. Her message is now out in full even on liberal media sites.

He has put forward a half truth / error and is fully aware of the error knowing he will get publicity for it. The opposition (the media) quickly moves to re-announce his message and then are blasting him for it. People will go watch the entire speech themselves.

The opposition reinforces the idea of the public (for him) an issue that he was trying to reinforce. (By making people read the speech and by placing Michelle Obama's name into headlines, further cementing the idea Melania will be the first lady as they are being mention within the same context. A very clever use of neuron-linguistic programming. People now will be thinking of Melania subconsciously in that first lady role.

If anyone has ever read The Art of the Deal or How To Get Rich, Donald Trump literally tells you how to plant a story like this in the media, almost exactly.

- There was a tape leaked a few months back showing Trump posing as his own publicist, talking himself up. Trump completely denied that he was posing as his own publicist. Days later, they found out it was Trump that actually leaked those tapes because he was the only one who had them. Why would he do this? He purposely created a storm about himself in the media (source:

- Hillary tweeted this:

^ Notice the "(yet)"? They have the idea of Trump winning already implemented in their heads.

- The taco bowl picture of Trump declaring he loves hispanics... He managed to make the entire left wing, turn something positive he said into something racist, which then went viral, ultimately bumping his poll numbers

- Many of Clinton's negative ads on Trump have been thought of as positive ads for Trump by people who watch them. Its like they are helping him without realizing it because he has basically influenced their minds.

Two examples of Anti-Trump ads made by Hillary's super pacs that look like Pro Trump ads:

(more controversial)


He is predicting not only for Donald Trump to win in the general election, he predicts that Donald Trump will win by landslide record setting numbers. Turning many blue states red.
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I hardly watched any Trump videos, I'm a guy who prefers reading over watching vids. And I support him as I consider him the lesser evil than crooked Hillary.

So what say you, am I possessed? Am I persuaded and under Trump control now?
There are like 5 Trump threads going on in the war room all at once so obviously something is working.
I hardly watched any Trump videos, I'm a guy who prefers reading over watching vids. And I support him as I consider him the lesser evil than crooked Hillary.

So what say you, am I possessed? Am I persuaded and under Trump control now?
You are not persuaded because you consider him an evil.

But makes sense, you haven't followed Trumps speeches and rallies.
So is he a bloviating self absorbed moron, or a evil genius mastermind?
So is he a bloviating self absorbed moron, or a evil genius mastermind?

Definitely not a moron. I know IQ doesn't mean much, but him having an est. 156+ IQ puts him in the same category as other geniuses in terms of "IQ"
Its funny because he even boasts about his IQ and calls others insecure and jealous haha

It's funny how everything stupid he does is being spun as genius.
I don't believe his supporters anymore; even they know they're polishing a turd.
Merged since this is discussing the same topic, and I believe the NLP article was written several months ago. I like its title better, though, so we'll give you that, @Gabkicks.
It's funny how everything stupid he does is being spun as genius.
I don't believe his supporters anymore; even they know they're polishing a turd.

Lol you're such a partisan hack I legitimately feel bad for you.

Or that fact that he's going against the most hated democratic nominee in history

His favorability numbers don't suggest some mastermind linguist -- just being the republican nominee establishes him with a strong base support -- any other momentum he garners is point on how hated Hillary is -- not how cunning he is.

He won the primaries because he was a stand out personality among a long line of faceless, uninspiring and rehashed candidates. He will beat hillary because she is so unappealing to so many people.

Trump may persuade some dimwitted portion but ultimately he is lucking out by being a big mouth outsider mucking up the status quo of what people typically view as a politician.

Same reason Arnold won California and Jesse the Body won Minnesota -- it's because big personalities carry big appeal.

Also, Hillary is about appealing as a root canal on spring break.
It's funny how everything stupid he does is being spun as genius.
I don't believe his supporters anymore; even they know they're polishing a turd.

Nothing is being spun at all. You are just simply blinded by hate.

Have you read The Art of the Deal? That book literally talks about the exact scenarios and concepts that Trump has pulled off throughout this election.

Why do you think he announced he was running exactly 1 day after Jeb Bush announced he was running? Jeb was the biggest threat in the Republican party, he took the attention away from Jeb, then destroyed him at the debate and left him hanging by a thread almost right away.

Trump knows exactly what he is doing.