Trump's 60 Minutes Interview released

Let me guess....

He blabs some BS
Interviewer asks question
Be blabs more BS
Interviewer calls him out in BS
He whines like a cunt and walks off

She started off by asking if he was ready for some tough questions. He actually said, "no I'm not." Then Trump whined that she was biased, and didn't ask Joe Biden tough questions. She had to remind him numerous times that she's not even the one interviewing Biden for the episode. She didn't ask Biden any questions.

And then this what really upset Donny, which Trump supporters are clinging to to condemn Stahl and excuse Trump:

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He's right.
Biden will be a complete disgrace because he supports open borders policy and disarmament.
He just comes off like a a whiny little bitch

Victimhood is essential to his persona and his base. Trump showed that in the first debate. Within a few minutes, he was claiming he was being picked on and whining about it like a petulant child. He had to make himself a victim, that's the energy that drives his campaign.

Can you quote the part that specifies "open borders", because I get this when I search:

I don't think Dana White gets the credit he deserves.

Wasn't he the one that started this trend.

"Sure ESPN, you can interview me on camera. However, I will be video recording you while you video record me to be sure to see what you leave on the editing room floor."
  • Welcome immigrants in our communities
  • Reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees
good luck 'murica!

Im confused. Were these the ones raping and pillaging, moving kilos, mowing your lawn, cooking your food at your favorite hipster spot or in detention camps? Did I cover all the possiblilities?
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