Law Trump suspends all immigration

Trump has exceptions to the freeze.
Farm workers are exempted.
H1B software and high tech employees are exempted

Hum, I thought Trump campaigned on America First, and limiting H1B.

Trump has made a lot more bluster for America first than taken action for America first. The tariffs on China and renogiating NAFTA were steps in the right direction, but that's all they were -- steps. The US should've gone (and still should go) much farther, and I'm not sure Trump cares to.
Tucker is skewering Trump over this:

I’ve actually been saying about how the Democrats view of immigration is a scale between second class citizenship/ ghettos and something like free flowing citizenship. That leaves us with a system that just perpetually brings in another lower class of workers. That’s why I’d be on board with e-verify. We can have a high amount of immigration each year but it should be through the system we have in place and not these backdoor routes. There’s work visas to handle the labor Americans don’t want to do either.
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surprised all nations havent ended immigration during corona.
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I wonder if you know, or just don't care about throwing around the same arguments WAR and similar groups threw out 35 years ago.
I wonder if you know, or just don't care, that you throw around the same straw man arguments intended to divide classes of people and falsely perpetuate "Socialism" as equitable, Karl Marx threw out 135 years ago.

"You know who the real racists are? ......" LOL
I certainly do. lol

And you just had to, in true Trumper fashion, throw out hyperbole with "-Trump didn't gas anybody to death with Zyclon-B" in order to obfuscate.
It's a true statement that makes a point. I wonder if you have the cognition to decipher what that point might be.
Trump has made a lot more bluster for America first than taken action for America first. The tariffs on China and renogiating NAFTA were steps in the right direction, but that's all they were -- steps. The US should've gone (and still should go) much farther, and I'm not sure Trump cares to.
I agree with you, but easier said than done. Globalists have linked our economies over several decades.
-The judge was Mexican.
-Trump was building a wall.
-It's not outside the realm of possibility that someone of Mexican heritage would sympathize with "undocumented" Mexicans that cross the border illegally.
-Trump didn't gas anybody to death with Zyclon-B

People are redefining "racism" all the time and weaponizing accusations to control people. That is what is really going on. You have been sucked into a culture of claiming offense all the time because it is fashionable, or because it is an effective means to control people.

Uh, no. The judge was American.
Uh, no. The judge was American.

Such a clown. Trotting out WAR arguments while ignoring Trump's actual statements and actions.

He gets sued for racial discrimination, and uses his money to perpetuate racist attacks against black people, yet he's not a racist.
I agree with you, but easier said than done. Globalists have linked our economies over several decades.

Congress has given the President fast track authority, meaning Trump has the authority to set our trade policy. Trump could/can do a lot more with trade policy to protect Americans than he has.

Of course the media would attack him, but who cares? NPR regularly ran segments trying to garner sympathy for those 'poor' business owners having to make 'hard choices' because the cheap foreign labor their supply chains relied on wasn't so cheap all of a sudden thanks to Trump. Who cares if the media turn their screeching up a notch?
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Uh, no. The judge was American.
Uh, no. It was clarified in the media that the judge was ethnically Mexican. This discussion was unrelated to the judge's nationality (and instead referencing his ethnic background). You apparently missed that in the conversation.
Congress has given the President fast track authority, meaning Trump has the authority to set our trade policy. Trump could/can do a lot more with trade policy to protect Americans than he has.

Of course the media would attack him, but who cares? NPR regularly ran segments trying to garner sympathy for those 'poor' business owners having to make 'hard choices' because the cheap foreign labor their supply chains relied wasn't so cheap all of a sudden thanks to Trump. Who cares if the media turn their screeching up a notch?
I hear you. He just made a trade deal with China that involves China pouring billions into our economy, so he is probably married to that right now. I would be very pleased though if he trashed all of that and went full embargo on them, but there would be complications in doing that too quickly. We get 80% of our pharmaceuticals and 90% of our antibiotics from China, and finding new supply chains for all of that probably couldn't be done very quickly. I think we need to tread lightly until we are in a position to cut them off.
Plenty of Canadians live vicariously through America. That applies to both left and right. Plenty of other countries pay attention to US politics at all times. It should come as no surprise as America is simply the country everyone watches

Its more like we're keeping an eye on our retarded cousin with a gun in his hand
I’ve actually been saying about how the Democrats view of immigration is a scale between second class citizenship/ ghettos and something like free flowing citizenship. That leaves us with a system that just perpetually brings in another lower class of workers. That’s why I’d be on board with e-verify. We can have a high amount of immigration each year but it should be through the system we have in place and not these backdoor routes. There’s work visas to handle the labor Americans don’t want to do either.
Illegals are a lower "class" right now. Imagine if we ever get UBI though. IMO, the dichotomy then would more resemble a slave caste. Something like Athens where they had citizens and slaves.