Trump rumored to declare premature victory. Go with election night results

You must be young or new to politics to Not realize there is ample precedence for not having election results the same day. It takes time to validate and count votes.

I live in a first world country and I've never had to wait a week to get election results.

Like I said several times. This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in a banana republic.
I live in a first world country and I've never had to wait a week to get election results.

Like I said several times. This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in a banana republic.

Yeah, we all heard you the first time. We are just trying to educate you rather than call you names.
I live in a first world country and I've never had to wait a week to get election results.

Like I said several times. This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in a banana republic.

Only if someone would have said something when Trump was sabotaging the postal service and intentionally slowing it down. God damn some of you have attention span of a goldfish. None of this was hidden.

As many have outlined even on CNN it is expected Trump will win in person polling and early results and that the race will only tighten in the early and morning hours of Wednesday and the following days or weeks with mail in ballots.

This sets up a fight for the Courts or States and delegates.
The left predicted this because they knew they were going to create election irregularities, and they knew the Trump administration would know the left was creating election irregularities, so it was only logical to assume Trump would contest those irregularities. It's all by the left's design (who doesn't want to be held accountable for illegal surveillance on American citizens, inappropriate contact with prepubescent children, or any of other fucked up shit that they like to do behind the scenes). People who thought this was going to be a "free and fair" election have been conned.
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