Elections Trump picks JD Vance for VP

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the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.
“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats

the direct messages — sent during Trump’s final year in office to an acquaintance over the social media platform then known as Twitter — Vance harshly criticized his future running mate’s record of governance and said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda.

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.
“I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats
Reminds me of the time I bit my lip and my wife said, "Good thing you don't have to suck any cocks."
this might be his running mates first time at a grocery store too.

here he is literally trying to buy votes. which is illegal. no worries though, like one of the commenters said, i'm sure that after the cameras went off he came back for his money.

between trump trying to pronouce Yosemite and Vance thinking Haitians are from haisha. This ticket tops the dumbest list.
Wat? Haitia is clearly an African Muslim Nation off the coast of Venezuela endowed with an extremely powerful covert Military strengthened by the juju of Vudu!
thejuicemedia is a pretty solid channel.

Indeed, I love that series--I've seen several of their other videos. I was just poking fun at the two little hints she left that she's not American despite an otherwise great performance.
I think the "Haitia" thing is a mistake that lots of people could make if they're constantly talking in front of cameras, but the host there is right. That's exactly the kind of little slip-up that Republicans and the MSM constantly used against Biden so there is a big double standard there.

Trump not getting "Yosemite" right is an issue with his extremely poor reading ability, and the fact that unlike every other president, he doesn't edit or even read his speeches before giving them. Laziest president ever, and at least one of the dumbest.
I think the "Haitia" thing is a mistake that lots of people could make if they're constantly talking in front of cameras, but the host there is right. That's exactly the kind of little slip-up that Republicans and the MSM constantly used against Biden so there is a big double standard there.

Trump not getting "Yosemite" right is an issue with his extremely poor reading ability, and the fact that unlike every other president, he doesn't edit or even read his speeches before giving them. Laziest president ever, and at least one of the dumbest.
That's very charitable of you, Jack.
Holy fuck I am still going to be laughing when I crawl into bed tonight about Yo, Semites! And illegal immigrants from Hatia.

That ticket has really tapped into the "Thank Jesus they're just as stupid as I am so I don't have to feel so bad about myself" crowd, haven't they?