Trump is 37 “faithless electors” away from re-election

Electors should be forced to vote the way the majority of people in their State want. I am suprirsed we still have this bullshit of electors having the legal authority to vote contrary to the public's choice.

They mostly don’t. SCOTUS ruled on this in June 2020. They can only do it if States allow not and they won’t.
It's over. Trump lost. There was fraud for sure, but it's not going to be reversed.

Trump 2024 incoming.
Can you imagine the shitstorm if somehow Trump gets it overturned and reelected?
If America is in bad shape in 2024... Trumps back baby. It's nice to have him in our back pocket for another term to fight the Chinese.
I'd like there to be 37 faithless electors, but it won't happen. It is what it is.
No need for faithless electors.
Trump needs Ga and Pa. Georgia could flip as they’re not only recounting but also doing a full audit. Since the margin of votes is so small, it’s not farfetched to think that Georgia could flip. Then it’s left to PA which could end up in the Supreme court and judge Alito already called for the ballots with a question mark to be segregated. So only two things need to happen.
No need for faithless electors.
Trump needs Ga and Pa. Georgia could flip as they’re not only recounting but also doing a full audit. Since the margin of votes is so small, it’s not farfetched to think that Georgia could flip. Then it’s left to PA which could end up in the Supreme court and judge Alito already called for the ballots with a question mark to be segregated. So only two things need to happen.

Trump would only be at 268 if GA and PA 'flipped' back to him.
replace "knife" with "fork" and it's a call to violence. Banned for sure...maybe. And the crazy thing is, I'd MUCH prefer death by knife than death by fork.

Even worse, death by spoon.

Why not spork? Best of both worlds.

As for the thread, the SCOTUS says they must vote in accordance with the laws of their state.
So with Fox, the AP, and other sources now calling Georgia and Arizona for Biden, Biden is poised garner what Trump should have won in the Electoral Collage 4 years ago—306. Trump however wound up with only 304 electoral votes. Hillary did worse as she had 5 electors vote for other candidates. If 37 Biden electors just vote for someone else, say Bernie, that would reduce Biden to 269 in the EC and give Trump a win in the house by state delegations.

Should electors be allowed to vote their hearts and disregard the popular vote? A billionaire is on the ballot—could any Biden electors be swayed by some vague promises of cash or prizes?

Typically, each party’s designated slate of electors is comprised of the most loyal elected officials and party activists. That is why defections are rare. My take is electors should be free to vote with either their state or the national popular vote.

What saeth the WR?
It wouldnt be good. People already dont like the fact the someone can be elected without the popular vote. If the electors went against the will of the people of the states they are supposed to represent it would be hard to justify using this system over a popular vote.
Again lol? Where do you find this shit? :p

Looked up that 99 cent store Glenn Beck, and he's one of those religious fundies who gets a doctorate in psychology in order to obfuscate over why Jesus is lord and shit like that.

JUST LOL. You gotta laugh at these people listening to all these weirdos. I bet the righties who post his shit love that he thinks ALL illegal immigrants should be adopted, whole family and all, into Christian families in a nation that emphasizes christian education.

I mean........
Looked up that 99 cent store Glenn Beck, and he's one of those religious fundies who gets a doctorate in psychology in order to obfuscate over why Jesus is lord and shit like that.

JUST LOL. You gotta laugh at these people listening to all these weirdos. I bet the righties who post his shit love that he thinks ALL illegal immigrants should be adopted, whole family and all, into Christian families in a nation that emphasizes christian education.

I mean........
It’s really weird. I mean, I don’t care if someone finds it entertaining as long as they realize it’s entertainment. This election is not ending up before the House, lol. Not happening. SCOTUS isn’t going to swoop in and give states to Trump either. It’s funny to see how many people have become “Constitutional scholars” in the last week and a half.
Ya any elector going rogue should be beaten in the streets

I don’t care which side you’re on.... you cast your vote based on what the people of your state say