Trump bought FL Attorney General


The Original Nut of Sherdog
Mar 10, 2010
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So it looks like FL AG was going to jump on with other states in the Trump U fraud investigation. She decided to hit Trump up for 25k, which Trump gave her and then Florida dropped the case against Trump U.
2 things.
1. This is why America is going in the toilet. Our elected officials only serve the elite. They are on the take, and could give a shit about 99% of the population.
2. Pam Bondi, Florida AG, would bang.


thread saved by pic. *slow clap*

So it looks like FL AG was going to jump on with other states in the Trump U fraud investigation. She decided to hit Trump up for 25k, which Trump gave her and then Florida dropped the case against Trump U.
2 things.
1. This is why America is going in the toilet. Our elected officials only serve the elite. They are on the take, and could give a shit about 99% of the population.
2. Pam Bondi, Florida AG, would bang.


I like how you think THIS is the biggest example of corruption and 'being bought' in this country.
innocent until proven guilty
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Then Texas AG now Texas Gov Abbott as well. Similar circumstance - he dropped investigation, Trump made two $25K donations to his gubernatorial campaign. Only time Trump ever made donations to Texas races. Huh.

Oh, forgot the pic -
Lol what a completely fucked up system the Americans have. AGs campaigning? Raising money? People like Trump can donate? Jesus Christ that's corrupt.

There is so much the US could learn from other English speaking countries Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Also I'm sure I'm going to get accused of having no freedom and have some dungeon nerd link me a random news article about corruption in those countries.
No, not true- it's the judge's fondness for tacos that is the real conflict of interest here.
I suppose he could always make a few donations to the Clinton foundation. I'm sure they would pull some strings for him.
This Trump University thing is not going away any time soon.
Lol what a completely fucked up system the Americans have. AGs campaigning? Raising money? People like Trump can donate? Jesus Christ that's corrupt.

There is so much the US could learn from other English speaking countries Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Also I'm sure I'm going to get accused of having no freedom and have some dungeon nerd link me a random news article about corruption in those countries.

To be fair its kind of genius, they legalize corruption so that its not as overt as it is in countries where corruption is illegal.
The video of Seth Myers ripping into Trump is hilarious

EDIT: fuck it. It won't embed correctly.
All the amazing people we lost this year and this fraud is still alive.
What else can they use to distract from Clinton's FBI investigation

Sounds like you're making an excuse. Hillary did a bad thing. There's no denying that. However, I don't see you attacking Trump with the same vigor. You don't consider stealing millions from hard working Americans and then bribing the attorney generals to be reprehensible?
Sounds like you're making an excuse. Hillary did a bad thing. There's no denying that. However, I don't see you attacking Trump with the same vigor. You don't consider stealing millions from hard working Americans and then bribing the attorney generals to be reprehensible?

That's funny coming from you because when I posted the story a month ago about Hillary Clinton receiving nearly $75,000 in political contributions from employees at the Department of Justice aka the same people to recommended criminal charges against her, you completely buried it as nothing but a CT, but now that Trump paid a lawyer to drop charges on a weak case, you suddenly feel like corruption needs to attacked with the fullest extent of the law...can you say 'selective outrage'