Troy Grady


Black Belt
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Have you subscribed to Masters In Mechanics? Do you believe he has disovered how the best players play the fastest and the cleanest? I subscribe and think he has some interesting, helpful findings but also some incorrect conclusions to his research.
God, I hate "fast guitar players".

What's the fucking point of playing fast like it's a competition? Sorry, just had to let that out. Carry on.
God, I hate "fast guitar players".

What's the fucking point of playing fast like it's a competition? Sorry, just had to let that out. Carry on.

No problem; it's a valid question. Different emotions require the use of different dynamics in speed, in volume, etc. Some classical players perform in recitals which are competions. They are judged on technique which is partially about laying fast and accurately although there are other facets of technique besides speed such as vibrato. Somehow nobody ever seems to ask your question about the many other facets of technique which include vibrato, the ability to play a smooth legato, etc.

I'm not a classical player so I don't play fast in competitions. There is a blues tradition of guitar competition called "head cutting." This was illustrated in the movie "Crossroads." Although I play blues sometoimes for my own enjoyment I'm a hard rock/heavy metal player so although blues forms the basis of a lot of hard rock such as Led Zeppelin, I don't compete in head cutting competitions.

Since I'm not a classical or a blues player, and there haven't been any rock equivalents of heaductting contests since the early 90s as far as I recall, when I play fast it's to express a certain emotion, just as playing slow can illustrate other emotions such as sadness. Having a highly developed, refined technique gives me the technique to express more different types of feels and emotions than I otherwise would, just as a painter with a lot of colors in his palette (not that having the most colors in one's palette is a competition in painting) has more choices available at his disposal to express exactly what it is he wants to paint. Just because I have the ability to play vary rapidly doesn't mean that I always need to, but it's better to have and not need than to need and not have..
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I've watched alot of his stuff.

Found it pretty useful and it reinvigorated me for awhile to practice again.
No problem; it's a valid question. Different emotions require the use of different dynamics in speed, in volume, etc. Some classical players perform in recitals which are competions. They are judged on technique which is partially about laying fast and accurately although there are other facets of technique besides speed such as vibrato. Somehow nobody ever seems to ask you question about the many other facets of technique which include vibrato, the ability to play a smooth legato, etc.

I'm not a classical player so I don't play fast in competitions. There is a blues tradition of guitar competition called "head cutting." This was illustrated in the movie "Crossroads." Although I play blues sometoimes for my own enjoyment I'm a hard rock/heavy metal player so although blues forms the basis of a lot of hard rock such as Led Zeppelin, I don't compete in head cutting competitions.

Since I'm not a classical or a blues player, another haven't been any rock equivalents of heaductting co tests since the early 90s as far as I recall, when I play fast it's to express a certain emotion, just as playing slow can illustrate other emotions such as sadness. Having a highly developed, refined technique gives me the technique to express more different types of feels and emotions than I otherwise would, just as a painter with a lot of colors in his palette (not that having the most colors in one's palette is a competition in painting) has more choices available at his disposal to express exactly what it is he wants to paint. Just because I have the ability to play vary rapidly doesn't mean that I always need to, but it's better to have and not need than to need and not have..
Well said.