Tropical Documentaries anyone?


Sookies boyfriend
Aug 3, 2011
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I have been watch the PLANET EARTH BBC documentary DVD's and I must say I miss these kind of films.

Skimming the wild earth and showing rare and raw nature in HD narrated by some old wrinkly english accent tea guy is why I support enviromentalists sometimes.

At the end of some episodes they have a 'diary' commentary section where they show what te film crew had to go through inorder to get their nature fix.

for example how they spent over 100 hours trying to see birds of paradise mate and the guy trying to get the shots was so bored an annoying 80s song kepr rotating in his head.

and how the Native New Guineans helped them pull their truck out of the mud.

who likes this stuff? What do you think about it?
This is like how our ancestors sailed the seas during the colonial age discovering new lands.


Just read Planet Earth Part II is to be narrated again by David Attenborough and released later this year. BBC is currently filming a 4K version to be released in 2019.