Triangle and Mounted Triangle Finishes?


White Belt
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
I have been trouble finishing these mostly the mounted triangle though. For the regular triange do you guys like to just throw the arm across, pull their head down, or do you like to work the Ryan Hall finishes and so forth. Finally, what do you do to finish the mounted triangle?
For the mounted triangle, I like to push the arm across the neck and walk my hands forward while bridging my hips forward into their neck rather than pulling their head. It's an odd angle to use, but once you get it you will feel how it works.
Triangles imo the best submission ever invented. To get good at practice doing it w/o your hands, its hard at first, but it increases your triangle choke effectiveness significantly.

Edit: and as for finishing, I like to come out to the side that you have your foot under and tie up that leg. I then take my other hand and pull down on the guys head.