Training and struggling


Purple Belt
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
I have been too a couple of 2 hour mma sessions and each time i have struggled to get through them as i get light headed but more nauseous than the light headed symptom. My aim was to increase my sessions going forward but is this my body telling me its too much and i should just do an hour each session when i go. i mean the end goal was to get into competing but im now thinking my body wont deal with it. I have the sick feeling for about an hour sometimes more after i finish my sessions too.

What are your thoughts on this?
your going to need to consult a doctor most likely....lifting weights/cardio shouldnt make you sick at all they should enhance your life
Are you eating too little? When I didn't know better and fad dieted, I was getting around 1500 calories a day, and at times felt like I was drunk and uncoordinated.
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You are just out of shape and you jumped right into hard training, of course you are going to feel bad. Stick with it, eat more, and get lots sleep and your body will adapt.
Are you eating too little? When I didn't know better and fad dieted, I was getting around 1500 calories a day, and at times felt like I was drunk and uncoordinated.
I cut out most of what i was eating months back and have lost about a stone and a half so it could be my calorie intake but i dont have any equipment to measure my intake properly
I should also state im a bad sleeper
I cut out most of what i was eating months back and have lost about a stone and a half so it could be my calorie intake but i don't have any equipment to measure my intake properly
So you lost 21lbs in a month? Unless you're were on the high end of obesity, then thats too much.

You can still count it without equipment, but it wont be as accurate in terms of portion sizes. Measuring cups and a food scale are the ones. The scale being the most accurate.
Try not to use "hand" measurements for portion sizes, everyone tries to get more than they require. Someone says 1 handful, which means a normal handful, about the size of a golf ball, but what most do, is grab an oversized portion similar to large softball.

Use this to get a general idea of your maintenance (TDEE):
Use an online app like myfitnesspal, caloriecount, etc and input the foods in to make sure you're getting the proper daily calories. If you're trying to loose weight, subtract 500 from the TDEE number that you got from the calculator.

Adjust it based on your weekly results, the number is not a 100% accurate number, but rather a general idea of what to shoot for. eg. after a week you loose 1.5lbs at 2500, then increase your calories to 2750 to get the 1lb/week, etc.
How you partition your macro-nutrients is up to you. Ideally at the least, you should keep your protein around 0.8 - 1g/bodyweight

It will seem like a lot of info to take in at first, but after a week of getting used to it, it won't seem like much at all. Picture it like being on a new job, and adjusting to the procedures, equipment, etc.

Sleeping is very important, I get that not everyone can get a full 8h due to work, family, responsibilities, etc, but try to get a decent amount. Recovery is really where you grow/develop. Any exercise you do, the body breaks the muscle down, and when you recover, thats when the body adapts, repair, and grows.
your going to need to consult a doctor most likely....lifting weights/cardio shouldnt make you sick at all they should enhance your life
I can tell you even when in fantastic shape when I was doing amateur mma and training every day at Jackson's MMA those workouts were fucking brutal and I got sick and felt like dying. SO did many of the pros. That's what happens when you are pushing yourself to the limit to get better,

As for the TS I think you may need to up your calories a bit, get more sleep and keep at it. Your body will adapt. You are working out very hard so you need more calories. Start by adding 300 calories a day and see how you feel for a week or two. If needed and a few hundreds more per day. Do this until you have the energy to workout. It will take a while to get the caloric balance right so you can reach your goal but still have energy.

keep at it!