International Tor Blocked in Russia

Now that the Russian state is potentially headed for a very big clash against the West, now is when they care about child pornography and illicit drug sales.
yeah i guess its a diifferent world out there. i dont think people would be sending out too many lets go brandons against putin on the internet without using tor or whatever. the KGB would probably come and rough them up a little and then take all of their electronics

why dont they just use VPN's though? or are they all blocked too?

Some common vpn providers are blocked but there are so many and again you can also just setup your own private VPN if need be. Tor is best for high level of anonymity and accessing dark web, but when you access a service off of dark web it is very easy to see you are using Tor and that raises flags, so for a lot of shady activity it is not the right tool for the job.

Tor = high level anonymity & access onion network but super obvious

VPN = lower level of anonymity but still good encryption, faster and not blocked as much by service providers (fb, Twitter, etc).

Proxy = lowest level of anonymity but quality ones are not blocked by services at all, so best for trying to look like a "real" user from a particular location (aka best for commiting fraud). This is what the trolls and bots use will use a lot of the time.
Pics of dope and hit man? Asking for a friend.

They say you could find anything you want on the dark web, but I was looking for Cher concert bootlegs and all I found were drugs.
Tor is essentially what most people assumed the regular internet was when they first started using it. We've been conditioned to think the government and corporations spying on us is normal.

Even back in the days of phreaking and hacking on dial up BBS, it's always been the case that the only online privacy you have is what you make the effort to establish.