Top 5 Favourite Movies

I watched some Sammo films recently. The Prodigal Son and Magnificent Butcher are so legit, probably my fav martial arts flicks ever now (I'd give the edge to Prodigal Son because of Lam Ching-ying)

You really can't go wrong with Sammo. Well, he's been a bit patchy in the last decade or so, but that's understandable given his age. Can't keep up the same pace when you're approaching your pension.

My favourite Sammo films (no particular order, director and starring roles both included):

The Victim
Magnificent Butcher
Iron-Fisted Monk
Prodigal Son
Enter the Fat Dragon
Warriors Two
Wheels on Meals
Dragons Forever
Project A
Blade of Fury
Moon Warriors
Odd Couple

He did some cracking work as a choreographer before he broke out as a star in his own right too. Some after too:

Come Drink With Me
Shaolin Plot
Lady Whirlwind
When Taekwondo Strikes
The Tournament
Hand of Death
The Fate of Lee Khan
The Himalayan
Ip Man
Ashes of Time