Top 5 best descisions you've made in life.


It’s Showtime!
Apr 24, 2010
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Through out life we are met with a lot choices. Some good and bad. Some decisions that can make or break us. By luck or good thought process some choices and risks turn out great. So in your lives so far, what are the top 5 best decisions you've made?
Inb4 ppl justifying their choices & trying to convince ppl they are happy!
Having kids early

Putting most of my money in property

Getting a divorce(best for all of us)

Moving to Seattle

Kicking fast and most fried foods and soda
maybe quitting trying to make music my profession. It's sad because that's my first love, but I can take care of my family so much more now, and they come first.
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1. Getting saved.
2. Quit smoking cigs
3. Went back to my old job
4. Sherdog
5. Switched to Geico
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5... Damn, I got like 2-3 that made a huge difference.

1- getting a divorce. I'm free to be happy, and free of that blood sucking life killer.

2- getting sober. This is easily one of the best decisions a person could make, and also the hardest. I still struggle, but things are so much easier now without the bullshit.

3- keeping a dog that someone just left with me because they were too lazy to raise it. Best dog I ever had, I'm so happy I have a heart and didn't pass her off to the next person. It's amazing that a dog could make such a huge difference in my life. I know a lot of you understand that though.
A few divorces already - chalk a few up for the patriarchy!
Studying psychology,

Getting together with my wife,

Having kids,

Moving back where my parents live,

Taking up kickboxing.
joining sherdog

everything else pales in comparison :D

edit - Dangit!! Someone already posted this.
A few divorces already - chalk a few up for the patriarchy!
Divorce is great if it benefits your family.
I couldn't imagine being Catholic or whatever, and having a life sentence of depression.
  1. I stopped my crusade of handing out free red pills of life, and became a blue pill dealer of death instead
  2. I embraced moral relativism and just let my lawyers, accountants, and public relations department handle the rest.
  3. I stopped empowering others, and now just take power for myself.
  4. I decided to stop being so compassionate and empathetic to the plight of others, and decided to capitalize on the self inflicted wounds of our species
  5. I've chosen to embrace the use of rationalized, justified violence, because non-violent means of achieving my objectives is...too hard.
That's just what has come to me off the top of my head. I could go on, but I will save that material for my yet to be published book; How to be a total piece of shit.
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Marrying my wife is all 5 :)

Clippy, if your wife heard you say this, she would be all....

1. Quitting pot(think it should be legal, just not for me).

2. Not settling down with my ex(she was 7 years older).

3. Talking to my current girl in the park that day.

4. Going back to school.

5. Quitting school for my current career.