Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World - 2014

I speak from experience. I was born and raised in a 3rd world country and the happines levels are just about the same when compared to the US. People over there smiled and laughed just as much as they do over here. They wanted certain things, just like we want certain things no matter how much money we make. There are miserable rich people.
I grew up in Bangladesh. Lived in a village in Sylhet without electricity and running water. A man can pick bananas from his back yard and sell them in the morning and return home in the afternoon with more than enough time to spend playing with his kids and splashing around in the pond to cool off from the 110 degree heat. You bet that guy is happier than the NYC investment banker who works 14 hour days, gets home well after the sun has set and after his kids are put to bed by the Mexican babysitter.

I dont understand how the walkers from GOT are relevant
Mostly all third world countries kinda hard to believe
Shit list.

It's a known fact that the Scandinavian countries are the happiest countries, they have been for like 40 years.

They take pride in it too. I've been living in Copenhagen and they have huge signs all over the airport that say "Happiest place on Earth".

Well, if there's a sign, it must be true.
The reason the US isn't the happiest place on earth is because so many people are angry. People are angry on TV, on radio, at work, in movies, on the street. Everything is a war. War on drugs, war on poverty, war on crime, war on illiteracy, ...

How can it be happiest place when so many people are angry.