Tommy Robinson exposes race baiting Sky News for deceptive editing of his interview


Red Belt
Feb 4, 2013
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In essence, they are editing a video to take Tommy's response to a completely different question to make him look like he wants Muslims to be afraid. They are trying to incite a race war, while completely ignoring the insane number of Muslim grooming gangs that have plagued Britain, with a majority being of Muslim origin. And once they say that, other news sources spread the headlines hoping that the average reader never even questions the origin of the statement, because they are 'the trusted news media'.

It's a sad day when a major news outlet would rather set up a race war than protect little girls from getting raped. I think there should be some regulations put in place to prevent the media from deceptively editing things like this, as it is without a doubt intentionally hurting the country.
how can so many people be so mind fucked over this issue?

The facts; Rotherham, Bristol, Derby, Mansfield, Rochdale, Oxford, Colchester, Newcastle, Peterborough. The list grows larger with each year. All had problems with large scale, mass, industrialised rape of young girls by Pakistani men. Different groups, in different parts of the country following the same modus operandi to a tee. This is no doubt a cultural issue about Pakistani men. Everyone with a pair of honest eyes can see it for what it is.

Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion was forced out of her party for telling the truth regarding the Pakistani communities problem with grooming gangs.

How on earth, given all we know, and the crimes we know about, can we still say that calling Grooming gangs a Pakistani issue is inciting racial hatred?

Sickens me to see people like that cunt sky news interviewer babbling over his words, desperate to call TR a "racist" " islamaphobe" etc., unable to provide anything TR has actually said to "incite racial violence".

Idiotic, virtue signalling reporters like that guy do every one of the thousands of young girls raped by these gangs a disservice when they try to smear a guy like TR.

EDIT: just went on the Sky News YouTube clip of the interview, 10k downvotes to 900 likes, comments disabled. Luckily, people see through this bullshit.
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how can so many people be so mind fucked over this issue?

The facts; Rotherham, Bristol, Derby, Mansfield, Rochdale, Oxford, Colchester, Newcastle, Peterborough. The list grows larger with each year. All had problems with large scale, mass, industrialised rape of young girls by Pakistani men. Different groups, in different parts of the country following the same modus operandi to a tee. This is no doubt a cultural issue about Pakistani men. Everyone with a pair of honest eyes can see it for what it is.

Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion was forced out of her party for telling the truth regarding the Pakistani communities problem with grooming gangs.

How on earth, given all we know, and the crimes we know about, can we still say that calling Grooming gangs a Pakistani issue is inciting racial hatred?

Sickens me to see people like that cunt sky news interviewer babbling over his words, desperate to call TR a "racist" " islamaphobe" etc., unable to provide anything TR has actually said to "incite racial violence".

Idiotic, virtue signalling reporters like that guy do every one of the thousands of young girls raped by these gangs a disservice when they try to smear a guy like TR.

So why aren't they reporting it? Need a record or a pattern of suppressed records.

In essence, they are editing a video to take Tommy's response to a completely different question to make him look like he wants Muslims to be afraid. They are trying to incite a race war, while completely ignoring the insane number of Muslim grooming gangs that have plagued Britain, with a majority being of Muslim origin. And once they say that, other news sources spread the headlines hoping that the average reader never even questions the origin of the statement, because they are 'the trusted news media'.

It's a sad day when a major news outlet would rather set up a race war than protect little girls from getting raped. I think there should be some regulations put in place to prevent the media from deceptively editing things like this, as it is without a doubt intentionally hurting the country.

If you are going to do that you should at least put it to a good dubstep
Breaking: Murdoch owned broadcaster displays questionable journalistic ethics.

More at 11.
how can so many people be so mind fucked over this issue?

The facts; Rotherham, Bristol, Derby, Mansfield, Rochdale, Oxford, Colchester, Newcastle, Peterborough. The list grows larger with each year. All had problems with large scale, mass, industrialised rape of young girls by Pakistani men. Different groups, in different parts of the country following the same modus operandi to a tee. This is no doubt a cultural issue about Pakistani men. Everyone with a pair of honest eyes can see it for what it is.

Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion was forced out of her party for telling the truth regarding the Pakistani communities problem with grooming gangs.

How on earth, given all we know, and the crimes we know about, can we still say that calling Grooming gangs a Pakistani issue is inciting racial hatred?

Sickens me to see people like that cunt sky news interviewer babbling over his words, desperate to call TR a "racist" " islamaphobe" etc., unable to provide anything TR has actually said to "incite racial violence".

Idiotic, virtue signalling reporters like that guy do every one of the thousands of young girls raped by these gangs a disservice when they try to smear a guy like TR.

EDIT: just went on the Sky News YouTube clip of the interview, 10k downvotes to 900 likes, comments disabled. Luckily, people see through this bullshit.
Are u telling me that people from a backward rape culture country dont switch the sec they cross a border
wait, deceptive editing is bad now? thought the right wing loved that.
It's unethical no matter who does it.

I would agree that Sky news shouldnt have done this. I dont like tommy robinson, but he should be hated for his actual words and positions, not for made up ones.

Given how popular Veritas is on this forum, i dont think this thread is going to be in good faith.
how can so many people be so mind fucked over this issue?

The facts; Rotherham, Bristol, Derby, Mansfield, Rochdale, Oxford, Colchester, Newcastle, Peterborough. The list grows larger with each year. All had problems with large scale, mass, industrialised rape of young girls by Pakistani men. Different groups, in different parts of the country following the same modus operandi to a tee. This is no doubt a cultural issue about Pakistani men. Everyone with a pair of honest eyes can see it for what it is.

Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion was forced out of her party for telling the truth regarding the Pakistani communities problem with grooming gangs.

How on earth, given all we know, and the crimes we know about, can we still say that calling Grooming gangs a Pakistani issue is inciting racial hatred?

Sickens me to see people like that cunt sky news interviewer babbling over his words, desperate to call TR a "racist" " islamaphobe" etc., unable to provide anything TR has actually said to "incite racial violence".

Idiotic, virtue signalling reporters like that guy do every one of the thousands of young girls raped by these gangs a disservice when they try to smear a guy like TR.

EDIT: just went on the Sky News YouTube clip of the interview, 10k downvotes to 900 likes, comments disabled. Luckily, people see through this bullshit.

Here's the Newsnight interview from 2011 (which didn't age well) and just look at how dismissive, sneering and condescending Paxman is.

And even though we all now know that not only is what he was saying 100% true, it's actually much, much worse than most of us ever imagined. Yet these are the kind of people who are still trying to claim the moral high ground, who still have this same attitude and who still try and make out that someone like Robinson is what's wrong in all of this.

Here is another perfect example. Saira Khan and some other panelists reacting to Robinson.

Just look at the hatred, anger and disgust on their faces, especially Khan. Now what has he done to warrant such a profound response? Insulted their families? Threatened them with violence? Called them racial slurs? No, he's trying to highlight the very real problem of Islamic extremism and children being raped. Saira Khan is also a mother ffs. All they do is set up straw men and call him racist, that's all they have. The clapping seals in the audience also make you despair.

I regard these people (along with most of our politicians) as every bit as bad as the rapists and paedophiles themselves.
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Holy shit, the term fake news may destroy the entire media as we know it.

Good fucking riddance.
And for anyone who think the authorities are serious about clamping down on this problem and therefore people like Tommy Robinson need to shut up, take a look at this.

Up to 30 children sexually abused from kebab shops in Portsmouth, a story that barely makes the local news. But here's the real kicker, the 'punishment' for one of the kebab shops involved - ordered to stop serving by 11pm for a ‘failure in the management of the premises... in particular in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm’. The kebab shop is appealing the decision.
This is insanity. How Tommy immediately gives him that, statistically, Catholic priests are worse than average, too, but that doesn’t make a fucking dent,

People like this, and I know several personally, WANT this to be about skin colour. They want to stand up to the mean ol Nazis in defense of the brownies. People like Tommy, and all sane members of society, want to identify problems within our cultures.

Liberals stand up to ‘Nazis’ because it’s a bogeyman. There aren’t Nazis, and if there were, pussies like that wouldn’t stand up to them, because there would be consequences instead of pats on the back and ‘your so brave’s from pussy society.

It takes actual courage to stand up to this element of Muslim society, because they don’t take any shit and have each other’s backs violently... much like actual Nazis.
Not sure why they would bother, you don't need to edit his mouth garbage to show what a pos this guy is.
This is insanity. How Tommy immediately gives him that, statistically, Catholic priests are worse than average, too, but that doesn’t make a fucking dent,

People like this, and I know several personally, WANT this to be about skin colour. They want to stand up to the mean ol Nazis in defense of the brownies. People like Tommy, and all sane members of society, want to identify problems within our cultures.

Liberals stand up to ‘Nazis’ because it’s a bogeyman. There aren’t Nazis, and if there were, pussies like that wouldn’t stand up to them, because there would be consequences instead of pats on the back and ‘your so brave’s from pussy society.

It takes actual courage to stand up to this element of Muslim society, because they don’t take any shit and have each other’s backs violently... much like actual Nazis.

This is a really good post...well stated and I very much agree with your sentiment about actual courage.
Here's the Newsnight interview from 2011 (which didn't age well) and just look at how dismissive, sneering and condescending Paxman is.

Interesting clip early on in that video of a large group of Muslims protesting UK soldiers with signs that read "Anglian soldiers go to hell" and the like.

Never again listen to anyone who claims there aren't sections of the Muslim community in the UK who act as a fifth column. People who's loyalty lies with our enemies.

People like that, if given power in the country (or the privilege of being the majority of the population) would have your head lobbed off in the nearest town centre and the so called moderates would stand idly by.

Only in the modern day west do we welcome people with open arms those who not only depise us and our way of life, but would gladly see us killed in the name of their ideology.
And for anyone who think the authorities are serious about clamping down on this problem and therefore people like Tommy Robinson need to shut up, take a look at this.

Up to 30 children sexually abused from kebab shops in Portsmouth, a story that barely makes the local news. But here's the real kicker, the 'punishment' for one of the kebab shops involved - ordered to stop serving by 11pm for a ‘failure in the management of the premises... in particular in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm’. The kebab shop is appealing the decision.
But really we should just ignore this horrible shit as it's just a add on what the horrible politicians have done for years but now Westminster have a perverse Asian alley who are from one faith.
I love how offending people (and especially "marginalized" people) is more a crime than pedophilia, rape, killing gays, women's rights, etc. these days.

Logic, truth and reason feels like it's a losing battle. Tommy is right - If there is a specific group of people that are raping people, it doesn't matter what their culture, religion or skin color is, you have to talk about it. Even if that means inciting fear. That's what news used to be. Actually reporting issues and not being afraid of the consequences. That's real journalism.